Continuing Education Units

Continuing Education Units

If you want to issue CEUs for your conference or event, CALL can issue CEU certificates for you. Review the guidelines below and submit your information via our CEU form.

Policies/ Directions

Programs requesting CEUs from UNT must meet the following SACS guidelines*:

  1. Sponsorship: UNT faculty must be involved in the planning, design, evaluation, and sponsorship of the program. Activities co-sponsored with an off-campus group must have written approval of an appropriate UNT faculty member for all program activities.
  2. Application Deadline: The application form for CEUs must be received by the UNT Center for Achievement and Lifelong Learning (CALL) no later than two weeks prior to the program OR prior to the publication of any material stating CEUs are available (whichever date is earlier). Applications cannot be accepted after an event begins.
  3. Learning Objectives/Agenda: An hour-by-hour agenda or program must accompany the CEU application. An agenda must include a statement of learning objectives (e.g., behavioral or performance objectives) for each session/activity. For purposes of determining number of CEUs, the agenda must clearly distinguish between instructional time and break, social, or administrative time. Programs must include ways in which participants demonstrate the achievement of learning outcomes (e.g., discussions, Q&A, case studies, simulations, exercises).
  4. Brochure Copy: The program and registration form must be approved by CALL before UNT CEUs are advertised in the program’s brochure.
  5. Faculty Credentials: A brief resume for each instructor and the sponsoring UNT faculty member must accompany the CEU application. Full C.V.s are not necessary. We need only educational degrees and experience relevant to the subject matter being taught.
  6. Assessment: A description of the planned assessment must accompany the CEU application. Assessments should measure the participants' achievement of the learning objectives, and evaluations should ask participants to give feedback about the quality and effectiveness of the program and the degree to which the program helped them achieve the stated learning outcomes. Copies of the completed evaluations (or a summary thereof) must be submitted to CALL after the program is completed.
  7. Participant Records: After the program, original sign-in/sign-out attendance sheets must be turned in to CALL. Signature sheets should include or be accompanied by the typed name and address of each participant. The UNT faculty sponsor must provide signed certification of all participant’s eligibility for CEUs (i.e., verify that all participants receiving CEUs attended the entire program OR state the reduced number of CEUs which should be awarded).
  8. CEU Certificates: Certificates will be issued only after verification by the faculty sponsor and CALL that the participants have successfully completed a program and after payment has been received for database setup and individual certificates. (For events managed by CALL, no fee is charged to register the event for CEUs, but individual certificates are $10 per person. For events not managed by CALL but which are taught at UNT and whose profits go to a UNT Department, there is no fee to register the event, but certificates are $15 per person. For events not managed by CALL where profits go to an off-campus entity, please contact the Director of CALL for prices.) Certificates will not be available at the program site unless special arrangements have been made in advance and approved by CALL. All required post-event documents must be received by CALL within three months after the program; after that CALL cannot issue certificates (i.e., even participants who paid for certificates cannot receive CEUS, and all complaints must be referred to the UNT faculty sponsor).


*These guidelines follow the principles set forth in the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools publication, Resource Manual for the Principles of Accreditation,  

CEU Form – ceu online application