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Clinical Trials

The University of North Texas Health Science Center's Office of Clinical Trials is one of hundreds of sites across the United States committed to proving the effectiveness and safety of new treatments for today's diseases and disorders. Our office conducts more than 20 clinical studies each year for some of the nation's leading pharmaceutical companies. It is our hope you will see the benefit of being part of a clinical study, and realize how your participation may have the potential to benefit the lives of millions of other people dealing with your same medical condition.  If you would like to read more about the clinical trials offered by The University of North Texas Health Science Center's Office of Clinical Trials please click here.

Why participate?

Clinical studies offer you the opportunity to contribute to the understanding of disease or its treatment. This may not directly affect you or your care, but will give you the satisfaction of knowing you may have helped improve lives of future generations. Without research volunteers, new therapies could not be developed and new drugs would never be approved by the FDA.

To volunteer

To find out how you can volunteer to participate in a clinical trial, or to express an interest in studies for a certain medical condition, call the Office for Clinical Trials at (817) 735-0256. You will be under no obligation if you qualify for enrollment into a study. You may withdraw at any time. We encourage you to speak with your doctor or a doctor at our facility to learn more about how a clinical trial may benefit you.

This page was last updated on 1/30/2012 4:35:47 PM
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