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What is Sustainability?

If you hear the word "sustainability" what comes to mind?  If you're like most people, you think of the environment.  However, sustainability is much more than a concern for the environment.  It is about people and the health of our communities! 

The Office of Sustainability defines sustainability as operating our campus in a way that meets our needs today without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs (adjusted from the Brundtland Commission 1987).  It has three components:

Environmental conservation

  • Cleaner, healthier environment
  • Conserve natural resources

Social responsibility

  • Fair and equitable treatment
  • Healthy communities

Economic development 

  • Cost savings
  • Economic growth

Why is Sustainability Important to the UNTHSC?

Our campus is committed to improving the health and quality of life of Texans and beyond. Sustainability supports that mission by striving to improve the environmental health and quality of life for our campus and community. Sustainability is important for many reasons including:

  • Environmental Quality – In order to have healthy communities, we need clean air, natural resources, and a nontoxic environment.    
  • Growth – UNTHSC’s enrollment set another record of 1,949 students in the Fall 2012 semester. As our campus grows, we require more resources such as energy, water, and space. Sustainability aims to use our resources efficiently to benefit our campus and community.  
  • Healthcare – Sustainability and healthcare are intricately related since the quality of our environment affects public health. For example, many health issues are directly related to air and water quality. 



This page last updated Jan 03, 2013
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