Century Club Brown Bag

Join CLEAR in Chestnut 324 -- bring your lunch and we'll bring drinks & dessert

Century Club Brown Bag 

I am happy to announce our schedule of Century Club brown bag sessions for the spring 2013 semester.  Because of your varying schedules we are offering the meetings each month on two days so that more people would have the possibility of attending.  Meetings scheduled for the same week will have identical agendas.  Please put these dates on your calendar and try to attend as our conversation hopes to both inform and explore.

Spring 2013 meetings (bring your lunch and we'll bring drinks and dessert):

February 28 and March 1: February in Chilton 245; March in Chestnut 324 

March 28 and 29: both in Chestnut 324 

April 25 and 26: both in Chestnut 324


For our meeting on 2/28 and 3/1 we will follow up on several topics identified by the group in December:

  o Classroom support issues

 o The selection and management of teaching assistants

 o Facilities and classroom issues

 o Data: retention and other analytics related to large courses at UNT


 You may contact me (Mike.Simmons@unt.edu; 940-369-7520) for questions about the program or the agenda.   

Please contact Rena Mammen (Rena.Mammen@unt.edu; 940-565-4946) with questions about logistics and scheduling for meetings.

Making Bigger, Better: you can find more information
about the Century Club at


Chestnut 324

Thursday, April 25, 2013 - 12:00pm - 1:00pm

How much:


Event open to:
UNT community

Century Club Brown Bag

Rena Mammen
(940) 565-4946