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Patient Satisfaction

UNT Health Patient Satisfaction

“What Our Patients Say About Us”

Because UNT Health is committed to understanding and addressing the experience of our patients and their families, we ask our patients to rate our care as one way to evaluate and improve the quality of our services. We have contracted with a nationally recognized firm, American Medical Group Association (AMGA), to help us gather and analyze patient satisfaction data. Results from our visit-specific survey are reported in terms of the percentage of “excellent” responses we receive to each question. These results are then compared to surveys from other ambulatory care organizations of similar size across the country, helping us identify opportunities for improvement and implement action plans to meet the needs and expectations of our patients and their loved ones. The table below represents our latest survey scores from November 2012 and the corresponding AMGA benchmark.

Satisfaction by Survey Section

UNT Health

AMGA Benchmark

Accessibility: Patients rate the ease of our services, including length of time to next appointment, convenience of our office, and the ability to contact us by telephone. (3 questions)




Professionalism: Patients rate the courtesy, attitude, and skill of our physicians and associates, including how well we kept patients informed during their visit and communicated necessary healthcare information. (7 questions)




Overall Satisfaction: Patients rate their overall satisfaction with the visit, and their willingness to recommend the provider to others. (2 questions)





*Scores represent an averaging of results to multiple questions within the 3 areas of the survey.
This page was last updated on 3/1/2013 10:39:01 AM
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