University of North Texas

University Policy Office - Policy Manual


Policy Number: 
Date Issued: 
9/1/80; 8/94; 8/98*; 8/02

Candidates for graduation whose overall grade point average, based on grades earned in the University of North Texas resident credit courses and transferred resident credit courses, is at least 3.5000 but less than 3.8000 are eligible to be graduated cum laude; those whose grade point average, as defined above, is at least 3.8000 but less than 4.000 are eligible to be graduated magna cum laude; and those whose grade point average, as defined above, is 4.000 (all A's) are eligible to be graduated summa cum laude. Hours earned through extension and correspondence courses, or pass/no pass courses, may not be counted in calculating the grade point average for determination of eligibility for graduation with honors. Candidates for a second bachelor's degree are not eligible for graduation with honors.

* Reviewed with no changes made