Frequently Asked Questions

They say there’s no such thing as a bad question and the truth is, many of you probably have the same questions on your mind. Here’s a few of the ones we are often asked, but if you cannot find what you’re looking for here, just contact us.

Browse Questions On:


  • My graduate application has been completed.  What am I suppose to do next?  Will I be notified about acceptance or next step required?

    Once your file is complete it will be processed within 2-3 business days (please allow more time during peak registration periods). If your GPA meets the requirements, your file will be forwarded to the department for review and the decision. You will then receive the official admissions letter by mail.

    If admitted, you will be able to register during the regular registration period through the MyUNT portal page.

  • I am interested in coming into your undergraduate program and finish up another undergraduate degree. Would I be able to transfer my credits over?

    You will need to apply as a second bachelor degree student. You will need to submit the application along with a fee and an official transcript from every college you've attended. We will then admit you to an undergraduate program so that you can register for undergraduate courses.

    The undergraduate advisors in your college of interest will be able to schedule an appointment with you to determine which courses will transfer towards your new degree and which courses you still need to complete.

  • How can I apply to the school to take 2 or 3 undergraduate classes this fall without applying to the graduate school?

    Although you wish to only take a few undergraduate courses, you will still need to apply through the Graduate Admissions Office for admission. You will need to apply as a second bachelor degree student.

    You will need to submit the application along with a fee and an official transcript from every colleges you've attended. We will then admit you to an undergraduate program so that you can register for undergraduate courses.

  • I hold a master’s degree with at least a 3.4 GPA. Do I still need to submit my other transcripts?

    Yes. We require an official transcript from every college you've attended, even if you already hold an advanced degree.

  • I would like to take one graduate course at UNT. Do I have to apply to the graduate school?

    Yes, you will need to apply for admission through the Graduate School. You will need to submit an application, pay the fee and submit all official transcripts from schools attended.

    Since you only want to take one course, you can apply as a non-degree seeking student. This will allow you admission based solely on your GPA. If you need financial aid, please contact their office before applying to this status to discuss your eligibility.

  • I would like to reactivate my graduate studies at the University of North Texas.

    If you were previously admitted to a graduate program and have not been enrolled in over one academic year, you will need to reapply. You can re-apply online!

  • I've already applied for a degree program, but I need to make a change to my application. How can I update it?

    If you need to update the semester or program to which you are applying, simply fill out an application update form If you are an international student, please contact UNT International.

    If you are already enrolled, please submit a change of major form to switch your status.

  • I am currently active in a graduate program, but I now would like to change programs. How can I update my status?

    If you are an active and enrolled student, you will need to submit a change of major form. You will need to be in good academic standing and have test scores on file (if applying to a master or doctoral degree program).

    If you have not yet enrolled, you may be eligible to complete an application update form instead.

Graduation & Commencement

  • How do I know that my application has been received?

    If you received an auto-reply that led you to the FAQ’s after you clicked “submit”, your application HAS been received.
  • What do I do if I owe fees for a thesis or dissertation or if my application is late?

    You can go to the Student Accounting windows on the first floor of the Eagle Student Services Center, M-F, 8:15 am – 4:45 pm and have them posted to your student account so you can pay them. Alternately, you can wait to receive an email from the Graduation Office alerting you that they have been posted to your account and need to be paid. It may take 10-14 days after you submit your application for this email to arrive since entry/posting is a manual process that has to be done for each application received.
  • If I apply on time but don’t receive notice that fees have been posted to my account until after the on-time deadline has passed, will I be charged a late fee?

    No, you will not. Fees are assessed based on the date and time of your application, so if you apply on-time, you will only pay on-time fees.
  • If I have a question about my application should I call to check on it?

    It’s much easier for our staff to check on applications through email correspondence. Please use the address, and please be sure to include your full name and student ID# in your message.
  • Will I be notified if there are any missing items or problems with my application?

    Yes you will. You will either receive an email, a phone call, a letter through US mail, or a combination of any/all these types of communication. For this reason, it is very important that the information you include on your application is accurate. If your contact information changes, please update it accordingly on MyUNT and then notify the graduation office of the change by emailing
  • If I have questions about formatting my thesis or dissertation, who should I contact?

    The Graduate Reader, Jill Kleister, is the contact person for all questions regarding thesis or dissertation formatting. She can be reached at 940.565.4933 or
  • Is there a limit to the number of people I can invite to the ceremony?

    No there is not. Seating is open at the coliseum, so there is no limit to the number of guests allowed per student.
  • Why do I need to send a copy of my degree plan to when I submit my application?
    First and foremost, to make sure you have a degree plan on file. Your application cannot be processed unless you do. Second, to make sure that the coursework listed on your plan is the coursework you have actually completed to fulfill your degree requirements. It is to your benefit to review your plan with your advisor before submitting it with your application so if any changes need to be made, you will have time to make them.

    Degree plans should come from your department. The Graduate School cannot provide a copy to go with your application. The Department of Library Science and the College of Business send copies directly to the Graduate School for their intended graduates, so if you are completing a degree in those disciplines, you do not need to send an additional copy.

  • What if I can't meet the filing deadline for submitting my paper?

    Please notify the Graduate School so your application materials can be forwarded to the next semester. Filing deadlines are available on the Graduation page.

  • What happens to the filing fees I paid if my application is withdrawn?

    The Graduate School will send a request to Student Accounting to refund these fees to your account. You will be required to repay them when you reapply for graduation. Late fees are not refundable, so this only applies to fees paid for thesis or dissertation filing.

  • I have an incomplete that will not be finished by the deadline on the calendar. Will I still be able to graduate?

    Exceptions to the deadline will only be made if your professor contacts the Graduate School explaining why the deadline cannot be met and when the grade will actually be submitted. Exceptions are not automatically granted, so please adhere to the published deadlines if at all possible.

  • When will I receive my diploma?

    Diplomas are mailed approximately eight weeks after graduation and are sent directly by our vendor to the mailing address you have on file in MyUNT; it is your responsibility to update this is you relocate after commencement.

  • Where do I get information on commencement, including the schedule?
    Information on ceremony times, guest speakers and other commencement information is provided by the Office of Public Affairs and is located on the commencement website.
  • I'm not attending commencement. Will my diploma be mailed?
    All diplomas are mailed, regardless of whether or not you attend commencement, so please make sure we have your correct address on file! If you relocate, you should immediately visit MyUNT and update your mailing address. If your diploma is not deliverable due to an incorrect address, it will be your responsibility to order a duplicate through the Registrar's Office. There is no fee for a duplicate diploma and processing time is approximately eight weeks.
  • When will my degree be posted?
    Degrees are posted by the Registrar's Office, usually within three weeks of the graduation ceremony.
  • Will my major appear on my diploma?
    Yes, indeed! Students who graduated prior to Fall 2004 and whose majors did not appear on their diplomas can request a new diploma through the Registrar's Office.
  • Where do I get regalia for commencement?
    Regalia and announcements should be ordered from the University Bookstore. We cannot stress enough that it is vitally important to secure these items early in the semester.
  • If my GPA is really high, can I receive my graduate degree with honors?
    Graduating with honors is a distinction reserved only for undergraduate degrees.
  • Can I register for more classes after I graduate?
    In order to register for more classes after graduation, you will need to re-apply for admission through the Graduate School. You can just use the link at the top of this page!
  • What about courses that I'm completing at another university for my degree?
    Students who complete graduate work at another institution to be applied towards a UNT graduate degree must furnish a complete official transcript of transfer work to the Graduate School. No commitment can be made by UNT concerning the applicability of such work until official records have been received and evaluated. Due to the time required for receipt and evaluation of transcripts, students who are completing their last course(s) elsewhere will not graduate during the same semester, but will be processed for the next graduation term.
  • I do not have an available faculty mentor in my department to hood me in the commencement ceremony. Who is going to hood me?
    If your mentoring faculty mentor cannot attend the Doctoral and Master Commencement Ceremony, you may select another member of your committee or work with your department and/or committee to identify a UNT faculty member that is available. Please identify that individual in your online RSVP to the ceremony so that the Graduate School can send the individual ceremony information. If you encounter any issues identifying a faculty hooder, please contact the graduate school at (940) 369-5813.

Robert B. Toulouse Fellowship (RBTF) Awards

  • Who selects nominees for the RBTF awards?

    Programs and departments will select nominees. Each degree program may submit up to three nominations.

  • Can students directly apply for an RBTF award?

    No. Degree programs and departments must submit the nomination.

  • Can programs submit more than one nomination?

    Yes. The programs are allowed to submit up to three nominations.

  • The RBTF awards are intended for new students. Who will be considered "new"?

    Students who have not completed graduate hours that can apply to their graduate degree by Fall in the semester in which the RBTF is awarded.

  • Do students have to be "admitted" into a graduate program prior to being nominated for an RBTF award?


  • Can students qualify for RBTF awards even though they are required to complete one or more leveling courses?

    No. RBTF awards are intended to recruit top graduate students who are prepared and ready for graduate-level research or creative activities. Any leveling or pre-requisite courses must be completed before the student begins his/her graduate program.

  • Can international students receive RBTF awards if they must enroll in IELI or GPC in the Fall semester?


  • How is the award amount determined?

    The award amount will be based on the level 2 student level pay for assistantship positions.

  • What is the RBTF structure sequence?

      First and Second Year

      The RBTF is a fellowship with no work obligation. The Graduate School will provide the fellowship and tuition scholarship for nine (9) to twelve (12) graduate credit hours and mandatory fees. Health insurance is paid for by UNT through the student insurance program.

      Subsequent Year(s)

      During the year(s) following the first year of the RBTF award, the department will provide the student with an assistantship. The Graduate School will continue to fund the tuition scholarship. With the departmental assistantship, the fellow is eligible for employee health insurance through Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association.

      The RBTF is held for a maximum of three (3) years for master's students and four (4) years for doctoral students.

  • A student receives an RBTF award. Is the student also eligible for a $1,000 Academic Achievement Scholarship?


  • Are there any qualifiers on master's and doctoral students' eligibility for RBTF awards?

    Yes. Master's students must be entering a Master’s of Fine Arts degree program. Doctoral students must be admitted to a program that requires a dissertation.

  • Are students in online programs eligible for RBTF awards?


  • Can I change my major while on the RBTF award?

    No. Changing your major while on the award will forfeit your eligibility.

Master's & Doctoral Fellowship (MDF) Awards

  • Who selects nominees for the MDF awards?

    Programs and departments will select nominees. Each degree program may submit nominations.

  • Can students directly apply for an MDF award?

    No. Degree programs and departments must submit the nomination.

  • Can programs submit more than one nomination?


  • The MDF awards are intended for new students. Who will be considered "new"?

    Students who have completed 12 or fewer graduate hours that can apply to their graduate degree by Fall in the semester in which the MDF is awarded.

  • Do students have to be "admitted" into a graduate program prior to being nominated for an MDF award?


  • Can students qualify for MDF awards even though they are required to complete one or more leveling courses?

    No. MDF awards are intended to recruit top graduate students who are prepared and ready for graduate-level research or creative activities. Any leveling or pre-requisite courses must be completed before the student begins his/her graduate program.

  • Can international students receive MDF awards if they must enroll in IELI or GPC in the Fall semester?


  • How is the award amount determined?

    The award amount will be based on a 10% premium above the amount appropriate for the student level pay.

  • What is the MDF structure sequence?

      First Year

      The MDF is a fellowship with no work obligation. The Graduate School will provide the fellowship and tuition scholarship for nine (9) to twelve (12) graduate credit hours and mandatory fees. Health insurance is paid for by UNT through the student insurance program.

      Subsequent Year(s)

      During the year(s) following the first year of the MDF award, the department will provide the student with an assistantship. The Graduate School will continue to fund the tuition scholarship. With the departmental assistantship, the fellow is eligible for employee health insurance through Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association.

      The MDF is held for a maximum of two (2) years for master's students and four (4) years for doctoral students.

  • A student receives an MDF award. Is the student also eligible for a $1,000 Academic Achievement Scholarship?


  • Are there any qualifiers on master's and doctoral students' eligibility for MDF awards?

    Yes. Master's students enrolled in programs that offer both a master's and doctoral degree in the same field will be ineligible. Master's students must be entering a degree curriculum that requires completion of a master's thesis. Doctoral students must be admitted to a program that requires a dissertation.

  • Are students in online programs eligible for MDF awards?


Thesis & Dissertation Fellowship (TDF) Awards

  • Can students directly apply for a TDF?

    No. Thesis and Dissertation Chairs or Graduate Advisor must nominate students.

  • The Graduate School targets for TDF awards to be made at a level competitive for the student's discipline. What is meant by a "competitive level?"

    A "competitive level" for a fellowship stipend will be at a 10% increase above the amount appropriate for assistantships within a department for that student level. Please refer to the pay schedule chart for more details.

  • What is the maximum dollar amount of the TDF?

    The maximum dollar amount will vary by department.

  • Who can be nominated for a TDF?

    Any UNT student on the Denton campus at the stage of completing the thesis/dissertation or final creative activity project in his/her program may be nominated for a TDF.

  • Do students incur any work obligations flowing from their TDF award?

    No. TDF awardees will not be employed by their programs or departments.

  • When will TDF awardees receive their first monthly stipend?

    The first monthly stipend will be distributed in September of the Fall semester in which the TDF is awarded.

  • Are health benefits included in the TDF?

    Yes. UNT will provide health benefits for the student through the student insurance program.

Graduate Assistantship Tuition Scholarships (GATS) Awards

  • Who selects nominees for the GATS awards?

    Programs and departments will select nominees. Approval of the nomination will come from the student's Advisor, Department Chair, College Dean and Toulouse Graduate School Dean.

  • Can students directly apply for the GATS award?

    No. Degree programs and departments must submit the nomination.

  • Do students have to be "admitted" into a graduate program prior to being nominated for a GATS award?


  • When is the nomination deadline for this award?

    The Toulouse Graduate School strongly encourages departments to submit nominations as early as possible. However, nominations must be submitted 10 business days prior to the first class date for the semester of award. This deadline will assist in timely disbursement of scholarship funds for the student.

  • How will students be notified if they won this award?

    Upon approval from all required parties, the department will send a letter to the student extending an offer of this award.

  • What is the duration of the award?

    This will vary by departmental nomination as the award can be given for a period ranging between one semester and up to 12 long academic semesters for doctoral students. Master's students are eligible for up to 6 long academic semesters. For MFA students, semester time limits will be determined by the number of required SCH in the degree program divided by 6. For example, students in a 48 hour MFA program would be eligible for 8 semesters of funding (48 ÷ 6).

  • How is the award amount determined?

    The GATS covers all tuition and mandatory fees. If you are an international student please contact your department about a waiver of the International Insurance Fee (it is not considered a mandatory fee.) Since tuition and fees are based upon class schedules, there is no way to determine the exact amount of your scholarship until after the add/drop registration period ends. The graduate school uses a two-step scholarship allocation. A base scholarship of 9 graduate credit hours to disburse funds to students during registration, then a supplemental scholarship is disbursed to the student account after classes are finalized on the 12th class date.

  • How is the class schedule secured, so the student does not have to pay tuition and fees?

    Courses are secured using an internal indicator, all GATS recipients are monitored closely to ensure their courses are not dropped for lack of payment at the start of the semester.

  • What are the assistantship requirements for this award?

    Students must hold a graduate assistant position within their department, this can be in the form of a Teaching Assistant, Teaching Fellowship, Research Assistant or Graduate Services Fellowship. It is highly recommended that departments nominate only full time (.5FTE) assistants for this award.

Theses & Dissertations

  • What if I can't meet the filing deadline for submitting my paper?

    Please notify the Graduate School so your application materials can be forwarded to the next semester. Filing deadlines are available on the Graduation page.

  • Where can I find a typist or editor for my dissertation?

    The Graduate School has a list of individuals who offer typing and editing services. This listing does not represent any endorsements and advance bookings are recommended. Download our list of typists.

  • Where can I find information about getting my thesis or dissertation bound?

    Traditional binding can provide some tangible sentimental value to all the hard work you've put into your thesis or dissertation. While the Graduate School only accepts electronic versions, if you wish to bind your thesis or dissertation you have a few options. If you are wanting soft cover binding, you can bring your final approved PDF to any copy business (e.g., FedEx Office) and have them bind it. For hardcover binding, check out this resource.

  • How do I cite online sources?

    We've compiled a very robust list of resources on citing online sources as well as other common matters on our Writing Resources page.

  • Does the Graduate School offer word processing templates or any support for them?

    The only template that the Graduate School has available to students is only for use on the Thesis or Dissertation Abstract. This template can be downloaded here.

  • Do creative ETDs follow the same guidelines as other theses and dissertations?

    Creative ETDs follow the same guidelines for the most part, but there are a few specific guidelines that are different. The Theses & Dissertations page has more information regarding Creative ETD formatting.

  • Does the Graduate School have any typesetting format files for theses and dissertations?

    We supply various formatting files for the popular LaTeX typesetting system. Check out our page on LaTeX files for more information.

  • How do I handle section breaks (and other related formatting matters) in Word?

    For an excellent resource on these issues, check out the Microsoft Word Tutorials from Kansas State University.

  • What are the assistantship requirements for this award?

    In fact, we do! Browse our Required Formatting page for a brief introduction to formatting some important aspects of your thesis or dissertation. Also, make sure you download a copy of our Thesis & Dissertation manual for quick reference.