


Training Opportunities

RMS Emergency Management offers training opportunities to the university community in order to become a more prepared and resilient university. Our training opportunities include:

  • Orientation to Emergency Plans
  • EOC Training
  • Safety Coordinator Training
  • American Red Cross Training
  • Active Shooter Response Training
  • Storm Spotter Training

Independent Study (Online Courses)

Below are online training opportunities. Please click on the “Take This Course” icon to begin the training. Once you have completed the course, please click on “Take Quiz” and complete the online quiz to receive credit for the course.

Emergency Management Plan Orientation

The Emergency Management Plan (EMP) Orientation provides an overview of the contents and important topics in the EMP. Some of these topics include notification and how departments could contribute during an emergency on campus.

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Course Length: 1.0 hour

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Safety Coordinator Orientation

The Safety Coordinator Orientation course provides an overview of the Safety Coordinator program and examples of how to respond to potential hazards on campus.

Take This Course

Course Length: 1.5 hours

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Posted on Dec 13, 2012 - 09:01 AM

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