Student Affairs Network

Job Search


Building your network can be done by connecting with professors, other campus offices/departments, attending conferences, organization meetings, and job fairs, collaborating on a project, and much more!  Collect business cards from everyone you meet and take a few notes so that you will always remember where/when/how you met that person.

When speaking of networking, it is also imperative that LinkedIn is mentioned.  LinkedIn is a great website where you can keep a public profile or resume of each job you’ve held, detailed descriptions about your experience and skills, and it is also the best and most professional place to connect with your network.  Send a quick, personalized, invitation on LinkedIn to those you meet as you build your network. 

Twitter, so long as it is strictly a professional account, can also be a great place to connect with professionals, stay up to date on current trends in your field, and also search for jobs.

Remember to continue to always build and grow your network as often times, these people will be the key to helping you in your job search.

Conducting Industry/Employer Research

One of the biggest complaints that we often hear from employers is that interview candidates are not doing enough research about the job and/or company prior to the interview.  Conducting research prior to your interview is important to show that you are knowledgeable about the position and company and also shows that you’re genuinely interested.

Career Exploration

Useful Tools and Resources