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Dr. David G. Seiler

Dr. Seiler is the Chief of the Semiconductor & Dimensional Metrology Division (683) of the Physical Measurement Laboratory (PML) at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). The Division provides leadership in developing the semiconductor measurement infrastructure essential to improving U.S. economic competitiveness. It provides necessary measurements, physical standards, and supporting data and technology; associated generic technology; and fundamental research results to industry, government, and academia. The primary mission of the Division is to provide technical leadership in research and development of the semiconductor measurement infrastructure needs essential to the silicon microelectronics industry, advanced semiconductor materials technologies, and advanced electronic devices based upon molecular or quantum structures. The Division's programs also respond to industry measurement needs related to MicroElectroMechanical Systems (MEMS), power electronics, and various sub-areas of nanotechnology including nanoelectronics, nanocharacterization, bioelectronics, and organic electronics. Both more than Moore and beyond Moore programs are also becoming increasingly important to the Division.

Dr. Seiler received his Ph. D. and M.S. Degrees in Physics from Purdue University and a B.S. in Physics from Case Western Reserve University. In 2000, he received a Distinguished Alumni Award from Purdue University's School of Science for his contributions and achievements in semiconductors. Over the past 40 years he has developed an extensive research background in many areas of semiconductor physics. He has worked with the characterization of the electrical, optical, and nonlinear optical properties of numerous semiconductors and artificially structured materials, concentrating on quantum transport effects, two-photon absorption spectroscopy, and magneto-optical effects. His current focus is on understanding and advancing the metrology and characterization measurements needed by the semiconductor industry. The results of his research have been disseminated in over 200 publications and 100 talks throughout the world.

Dr. Seiler is and has been integrally involved in a wide variety of important activities for the semiconductor community which include: contributing toward the Semiconductor Industry Association's National Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (NTRS) in 1991, 1994, and 1997, as well as the International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS) in 1999; being a member of International SEMATECH's Analytical Lab Managers Working Group; planning and carrying out two industrial surveys on characterization measurements for HgCdTe and optical characterization methods for the semiconductor industry; holding the positions of Chairman and Vice Chairman of the IRIS Specialty Group on Infrared Materials (1990-95); holding the position of Recording Secretary for the American Society for Testing and Materials Committee F-01 on Electronics (ASTM, for 1996-97); holding the positions of Vice Chair and Chair of the American Physical Society's Topical Group on Instrument and Measurement Science ; and holding membership in numerous program evaluation and reviewer panels. He has served on the executive committee of the Manufacturing Science and Technology Group of the American Vacuum Society, on the executive committee of the American Physical Society's Forum on Industrial and Applied Physics, and on the IEEE Electron Device Society's Regions/Chapters Committee. He currently serves on the IEEE Electron Device Society's Semiconductor Manufacturing Committee and the Governing Council of the Nanoelectronics Research Initiative.

Dr. Seiler has been Chairperson and Proceedings Editor of ten International Conferences or Workshops: Hot Electrons in Semiconductors in 1977, Narrow Gap Semiconductors in 1989, HgCdTe Characterization International Workshop in 1992 (see Vol. 8, No. 6S, of the June 1993 issue of Semiconductor Science and Technology), and seven entries of the International Conference on Frontiers of Characterization and Metrology for Nanoelectronics series (formerly titled Characterization and Metrology for ULSI Technology). He is the co-editor and a co-author of a chapter in Vol. 36 of Semiconductors and Semimetals (1992) and is a co-author of the chapter "Optical Properties of Semiconductors" in the McGraw Hill Handbook of Optics (1995, revised in 2009). Additionally, he is a co-editor of journals and books containing the proceedings from nine different international conferences and/or workshops. He has been a member of the editorial Sub-Board for the journal Semiconductor Science and Technology. He is also a member of American Association for the Advancement of Science, Materials Research Society, American Vacuum Society, ASTM, Sigma Pi Sigma, and Sigma Xi. He is a Fellow of the American Physical Society and a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE).

Prior to joining NIST in 1988, Dr. Seiler served as a Solid State Physics Program Director in the Materials Research Division at the National Science Foundation, spent a year's sabbatical at the MIT Francis Bitter National Magnet Laboratory, and had been a Regents Professor of Physics at the University of North Texas. Prior to becoming Division Chief, he served as the Materials Technology Group Leader in the Division and as a Program Analyst in the Program Office for the Director of NIST.

Dr. David G. Seiler


Division Chief
Semiconductor & Dimensional Metrology Division
Division Office

Employment History:

    • Division Chief, Semiconductor Electronics Division, 1995 - present
    • Program Analyst, Program Office for the Director of NIST, 1994-1995
    • Materials Technology Group Leader, Semiconductor Electronics Division, 1988-1994
    • Regents Professor of Physics, Department of Physics, 1988
    • Professor of Physics, Department of Physics, 1980-1988
    • Associate Professor of Physics, Department of Physics, 1973-1980
    • Assistant Professor of Physics, Department of Physics, 1969-1972
  • THE NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION (NSF), Washington, D.C., 1985-1986
    • Program Director, Solid State Physics Program, Materials Research Division
    • Research Scientist


  • Ph.D. in Physics, Purdue University, W. Lafayette, IN, 1969
  • Research Assistant, Department of Physics, Purdue University, 1966-1969
  • M.S. in Physics, Purdue University, 1965
  • Teaching Assistant, Department of Physics, Purdue University, 1963-1969
  • B.S. in Physics, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, 1963
  • Tuition Scholarship Awarded, 1959-1960

Phone: 301-975-2074
Email: david.seiler@nist.gov
Fax: 301-975-6021