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Our Mission

Team Rubicon unites the skills and experiences of military veterans with first responders to rapidly deploy emergency response teams.


Team Rubicon Saves Lives.

Since its creation in January 2010, TR has impacted thousands of lives – in Haiti, Chile, Burma, Pakistan, Sudan, and here at home, in Vermont, Maryland, Missouri, and Alabama.  TR reaches victims outside the scope of where traditional aid organizations venture; victims on the fringe.

Team Rubicon Engages Veterans.

Hundreds of US military veterans, many returning home after fighting ten years of war, find a renewed sense of purpose for their skills and experiences through TR.

Team Rubicon Sets Itself Apart In the Nonprofit World.

Is it a disaster relief organization? A veteran-focused enterprise?  The truth is it’s both. TR pioneered a new paradigm in disaster response while redefining the meaning of veteran reintegration into society.

Team Rubicon Pioneered the Concept of Veteran-Focused Disaster Response.

On the streets of Port-au-Prince, in the immediate aftermath of the Haiti earthquake, TR’s military veterans realized a simple truth – natural disasters present many of the same problems that confront troops in Iraq and Afghanistan: unstable populations, limited resources, horrific sights, sounds and smells.  The skills cultivated on those same battlefields – emergency medicine, risk assessment and mitigation, teamwork and decisive leadership – are invaluable in disaster zones.

92% of Recently Returned Veterans State Continued Service in their Community as Important to them.

Our Guiding Principles:

Think you have what it takes?

Interested in joining with Team Rubicon? Please fill out our volunteer application.

What's with the name?

Simple. "Team" emphasizes the organization's military ethos of small, cohesive units. "Rubicon" refers to the river in northeastern Italy, that divided the Roman Republic from Gaul. When Julius Caesar crossed the Rubicon at the head of his legions and marched on Rome, it marked a point of no return. The phrase "crossing the Rubicon" has since survived in reference to any group committing itself to a risky course of action. On January 17th, 2010, despite government and large aid organization's advice not to proceed, Team Rubicon members crossed the Artibonite River separating the Dominican Republic and Haiti, carrying crucial gear and medical supplies to the people of Port-au-Prince. Once across, they were irrevocably committed to their task. Hence the name: Team Rubicon

What's with the logo?

The Team Rubicon logo consists primarily of a cross turned on its side with a river flowing through it. The cross represents the traditional symbol of medical aid. It is on its side because Team Rubicon represents such a departure from the current paradigm in disaster response. The river flowing through the cross represents the "Gap" that exists between large natural disasters and conventional aid response. Team Rubicon serves to "Bridge" this gap; providing field triage and relief operations until large aid organizations and nations can provide definitive care.

What's with the slogan?

"Bridge the Gap" refers to Team Rubicon's primary mission of providing disaster relief between the moment a disaster happens and the point at which conventional aid organizations respond. The "gap" is primarily time; the crucial window following a disaster when victims have traditionally been without outside aid. When the "Gap" closes - once conventional aid organizations arrive - Team Rubicon moves on.