Tip-Over Information Center

TV and Furniture Tip-Over Tragedies

Every two weeks a child dies when a television, a piece of furniture or an appliance falls on him. Take simple, low-cost steps to secure furniture and TVs to save lives.

Anchor and Protect

These three words are key to childproofing your furniture and TVs.


Children like to climb on furniture. For them, the home is a playground. As you childproof, you may not be aware that unsecured TVs, furniture and appliances are hidden hazards lurking in every room.


To prevent a tip-over tragedy:


• Buy and install low-cost anchoring devices that can prevent TVs, dressers, bookcases and other furniture from tipping.

• Place all televisions on a sturdy, low base and push the TVs as far back as possible, particularly when anchoring them is not possible.