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Technology Innovation
​One key to BPA's success is making a firm connection with the business and technology challenges facing the utility industry. Technology roadmaps capture the logic and business framework for research and development. The roadmaps describe the specific BPA-related factors driving technology needs and identify the areas offering the greatest potential. BPA's Technology Innovation uses a cross agency Council of executives and technologists to guide its research and development efforts.

BPA's Technology Innovation initiative has an annual cycle of portfolio funding based on strategic needs identified in the agency's technology roadmaps. In February, all projects in the portfolio are reviewed by the Council, and then in March a solicitation is open for new projects. The solicitation is open from March to May. Technical reviews of the proposals occur in June. In July, the Council selects the projects for inclusion in the following fiscal year's portfolio. BPA's technology innovation projects constitute a portfolio of near-, medium-, and long-term projects, and, as a portfolio, are expected to produce direct financial benefits to BPA, and through BPA, deliver value to the Pacific Northwest electric system.  

Technology Roadmaps
FY2012 Agency R&D Portfolio

​BPA selected projects for Fiscal Year 2012 beginning October 1st, 2011. Technology Innovation's Portfolio Management program and the list of projects are included below.

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