Additional Education Resources

Diamond Icon Instructional Resources from OE Onsite Professional Development
Diamond Icon Key Resources Discussed During OE Onsite and Online Professional Development
Diamond Icon Other Applicable Resources

There are many excellent resources available for teaching ocean science and ocean exploration. We highlight several of these during both our onsite and online Ocean Explorer teacher professional development offerings. Below you will find links to exemplary tools and resources to further help you bring ocean science into your classroom.

Instructional Resources from OE Onsite Professional Development

NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer Education Materials Collection

Volume 1: Why Do We Explore?
For those who have participated in the Why Do We Explore? Ocean Exploration Professional Development, the slides from the workshop are available here for your use.

Volume 2: How Do We Explore?
For those who have participated in the How Do We Explore Ocean Exploration Professional Development, the slides from the workshop are available here for your use.

Okeanos Explorer Digital Atlas: Follow the expeditions of the Okeanos Explorer in near real time or explore the tracks of past expeditions. This interactive atlas provides links to background information, images, data, classroom lessons and much more. First time users: This one page guide will help you to learn many of the tools available within the atlas. One page reference guide.

Learning Ocean Science through Ocean Exploration (LOSTOE): A Curriculum for Grades 5-12

For those who have participated in the Learning Ocean Science through Ocean Exploration Professional Development, the slides from the Introductory Workshop and the Follow Up Workshop are available here for your use.

Remember to visit the Ocean Explorer Gallery for images that pertain directly to your region of the country or highlight key concepts you wish to cover in your classroom. Also visit the Ocean Explorer YouTube Playlist for spectacular expedition video footage.

Key Resources Discussed During OE Onsite and Online Professional Development

Ocean Literacy Essential Principles and Fundamental Concepts External Link

Ocean literacy is an understanding of the ocean’s influence on you—and your influence on the ocean. An ocean-literate person understands the Essential Principles and Fundamental Concepts about the functioning of the ocean; can communicate about the ocean in a meaningful way; and is able to make informed and responsible decisions regarding the ocean and its resources. Developed through a community-wide consensus-building process, this definition along with the Essential Principles and supporting Fundamental Concepts build on previous efforts to define ocean literacy, assess what the public knows about the ocean, and redress the lack of ocean-related content in state and national science education standards, instructional materials and assessments.

Introduction to the Scope and Sequence

The Ocean Literacy Scope and Sequence for Grades K–12 External Link is an instructional tool that shows how educators can help learners build their understanding of the seven Ocean Literacy Principles throughout grades K–12. Conceptual flow diagrams are used as the graphical illustrations of this progression of understanding and instruction.

Sea to Shining Sea
External Link

The Marine Conservation Biology Institute (MCBI), National Geographic Society, NOAA, and SkyTruth created "From Sea to Shining Sea" — a map that depicts the 3.6 million square miles of US land above sea level, but specifically highlights the 4.4 million square miles of ocean under US jurisdiction. Request a hard copy of the Sea to Shining Sea map or visit the interactive web-based map using Google Earth.


Other Applicable Resources

To see a current list of NOAA OE onsite professional development opportunities:

To see full archives of NOAA OE online professional development opportunities: