Ocean Explorer E-mail Update List

NOAA Ocean Explorer E-mail Updates were created as one-way forms of communication, not discussion forums. There are two services: one specifically for educators, the other for general announcements.

Twitter icon You can also follow Ocean Explorer on Twitter, a free social messaging utility for staying connected in real-time.

Facebook icon You can also like Ocean Explorer on Facebook, a free social networking service.

General E-mail Update List
Through this listserv, you will receive information about new ocean exploration research, education and outreach activities. Use the form below to subscribe or unsubscribe from this list. You will receive confirmation of your request via email.

General E-mail update List:
Your Email address:


For More Information
If you need more information regarding this e-mail update list, please contact the list administrator.



Educator E-mail Update List
Through this listserv, you will receive dates and locations of Professional Development Programs and online offerings, notifications of upcoming NOAA Ocean Exploration Expeditions and associated lesson plans, and information about the OceanA.G.E. (Another Generation of Explorers) ocean career Web casts and Web forums. Use the form below to subscribe or unsubscribe from this list. You will receive confirmation of your request via email.

Education E-mail update List:
Your Email address:


For More Information
If you need more information regarding this e-mail update list, please contact the list administrator.