Frequently Asked Questions

About this site
How do I find the photograph I need?
What image formats are available?
How do I download JPEG images?

Photo Credits
Mailing Address
Web Address
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B-Roll link NPS B-roll video

Constitution Gardens



The National Park Service cares for special places saved by the American people so that all may experience our heritage.

This webpage provides links to public domain digital images of many of those sites, including national parks, monuments, battlefields, historic sites and related areas.

Most Images are available for download in JPEG format. Please use the drop down "FIND A PHOTO" lists below to find links to images.

All images posted in this archive are free, and may be used without a copyright release from the National Park Service, but must not be used to imply NPS endorsement without permission.

The National Park Service arrowhead is a legally protected symbol, and is not intended for public use without permission from the National Park Service. High resolution versions of the arrowhead are not available for download from this site.

If you wish to browse for parks alphabetically, by state or by special interests, please see our "FIND A PARK" page at



Frequently Asked Questions

About this site
The National Park Service Digital Image Archive is an online resource designed to provide quality, downloadable digital images for print, web, and multimedia use.
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How do I find the photograph I need?
Park sites are arranged in alphabetical order. From the "FIND A PHOTO" link on this index page, you may select links to each area. Areas that are not linked to a park have no images, but we are constantly updating this site as images become available. The image archive also provides links to the individual park home pages and their photo and multimedia resource pages.
Special subjects are also available (Government officials, National Park Service employees, Youth Conservation Corps workers, etc).
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What image formats are available?
Most photos are available in high resolution JPEG format.
JPEG images are provided at 3072 x 2048 pixels at 550 pixels per inch, or 3000 x 2000 pixels at 300 pixels per inch (either should provide an image resizable to approximately 10 x 6 inches at 300 pixels per inch). Other images may vary in resolution.
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How do I download JPEG images?
In most cases, Right click on an image and save. Due to the naming convention of the software used to create the image library you may find that photographs from different sites share the same file number. It is suggested that, when downloading images, you give each image its own unique file name.
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All photographs and images in this archive are "public domain" images. You are free to use these images without a release from the National Park Service. However, the photographs and images must not be used to imply National Park Service endorsement of a product, service, organization or individual.
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Photo Credits
Credit photographs to the National Park Service.
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Web Support/Technical: Rick Lewis, 202-208-4996 (
Photo Archivist: Rosa Wilson, 202-513-7230 (
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Mailing Address
U.S. Department of the Interior
National Park Service
Office of Communications (Photographic Archives)
1849 C Street, NW (Room 3310)
Washington, DC 20240
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Web address:
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