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Newtown Square, PA 19073
(610) 557-4017
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Tools & Applications

Putting Science to Work

Tools & Applications are another way the Northern Research Station brings you science you can use. Our research scientists and staff not only publish in peer reviewed journals, but we produce software and applications to help disseminate our cutting edge science.

Featured Software - NED

image - logo for NED softwareNED is a collection of software products being developed by the USDA Forest Service. The NED software is intended to aid resource managers to develop goals, assess current and future conditions, and produce sustainable management plans for forest properties. Learn more about NED

More Software available from the Northern Research Station

Featured Online Application - Real-time fire weather predictions

image : EAMC map of Haines indexReal Time Fire Weather Model Maps derived from atmosphere mesoscale model output. Forty eight hours of output on four (4) domains is available: 1) a 36km domain covering the contiguous United States; 2) a 12km domain covering the North Central and Northeastern states; 3) a 4km domain covering New England (4km East); 4) a 4km domain covering the Lake States (4km West). Two simulations are performed each day for the 36km and 12km domains, initialized from observations at 0000 and 1200 UTC. The 4km domains are run once per day starting 24 hours after the 0000 UTC observations. Output time indicates the time for which the model output is valid. Model output from the last 2-3 weeks should be available at all times. Learn more about Real-time fire weather predictions from Eastern Area Modeling Consortium

More Online Applications from the Northern Research Station

Last Modified: 07/15/2009


`[image:] Forest cover map of teh Norteast from FIDO

FIDO gives you access to the National FIA (Forest Inventory and Analysis) databases.

You now have the ability to generate tables and maps of forest statistics through a web browser without having to understand the underlying data structures.

Access the Forest Inventory Date Online