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  • Photo of Chris Swanston

    Featured Scientist

    Research Biologist Chris Swanston leads many efforts to create the best available scientific information, and then make that information available to natural resource professionals, scientists, and others to help in decisionmaking.

  • White pine plantation.

    Featured Research

    As the climate changes in northern forests, planting programs will not be successful unless we know which tree species and seeds sources are best equipped to adapt to climate change pressures.

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  • Cover image of Changing climates, changing forests: : The impacts of climate change on forests of the northeastern United States and eastern Canada.

    Featured Publication

    Recent research from the northeastern United States and eastern Canada shows that the climate of the region has become warmer and wetter over the past 100 years and that there are more extreme precipitation events. Greater change is projected in the future.

    Learn more: Changing climate, changing forests.

    Publications & Data

  • Map of Northeastern United States showing climate change response framework regions, including Northwoods, Central Appalachian, and Central Hardwoods regions.

    Featured Partnerships

    The Climate Change Response Framework is a collaborative, cross-boundary approach that incorporates climate change considerations into forest management.

    Read more about our partnerships

February 2013 - Climate Change and Forest Adaptation

The effects of a changing climate are not an eventuality, they’re here. Northern Research Station scientists are working on a wide range of research aimed at giving forest managers, policy makers, nongovernmental organizations, scientists, and homeowners tools they can use to make forests more resilient. This month we feature a scientist, research project, publication and partnership that exemplify this work.


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