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White-Nose Syndrome

What is White-Nose Syndrome?

White-nose Syndrome (WNS) is a fungal disease that has killed more than one million bats across the northeast and mid-Atlantic United States during the past four years and continues unchecked.  Bats with WNS may exhibit a white fungus that is found around the muzzle, ears, or wings of affected individuals.  Other bat symptoms include moving to the entrance of the caves and often coming out of the caves and flying around in the middle of the day during winter months.  Bats displaying this abnormal behavior have reduced fat reserves.  Although it is normal for bats to occasionally interrupt their winter roosting, they are not equipped to withstand the drain on their fat reserves resulting from flying more often and during the day, a behavior thought to be caused by the irritation of the fungus.  Many bats are non-responsive and many have been found dead both inside and outside caves.

What causes the bats to die?

Bats affected by WNS are basically starving to death, but scientists don’t know what is triggering the starvation.  Studies are under way to determine if the bats are going into hibernation underweight or if they lose their body fat at an accelerated rate during hibernation.  If bats lose more body fat than normal during hibernation, they do not have the energy reserves to survive until spring.  If they are going into hibernation underweight, scientists will explore the possible reasons for this.

How is White-Nose Syndrome Spread?

Bat to Bat - Bat to bat transmission of Geomyces destructans has been documented in lab conditions and the geographic pattern of spread appears to support lab findings. It is also possible that other unknown agents associated with WNS are spread bat to bat.

Cave to Humans to Bats - Aspects of the geographic spread suggest that humans may transmit WNS from infected sites to clean sites. This kind of spread is most likely occurring from clothing and equipment that are not properly cleaned and decontaminated between sites. Formal testing of human-spread WNS is ongoing. Because of the devastating effects of WNS, it is critical that people assume responsibility for the potential spread of WNS.

Does White-Nose Syndrome pose a risk to human health?

WNS is in caves and mines that have been visited by hundreds of people during the past three years, yet there have been no reported illnesses attributable to it.  However, because scientists are still learning about WNS, we do not know if there is a risk to humans from contact with affected bats, and we cannot advise you about human health risk.


 Photo of Bat with White-Nose Syndrome

News Releases: January 25, 2011, November 8, 2010

January 25, 2011 Federal Register Notice

Frequently Asked Questions's (FAQ)

NM Response Plan with appendices

Decontamination protocols
Required procedures for everyone entering caves/mines on public land in NM

BLM's Environmental Assessment for the closure with FONSI and Decision Record


Year of the Bat

The U.N. Environmental Program Convention on Migratory Species and the Agreement of the Conservation of Populations of European Bats have joined to celebrate the “Year of the Bat.” This educational campaign aims to raise global awareness about bats, bat conservation, and bats’ unique role in our environment.