Classroom materials by Mother Nature

The nonprofit Yellowstone Association Institute offers field courses that provide an inside look at Yellowstone National Park. In this remarkable outdoor setting students gain new appreciation for the value of wild places.

Let us introduce you to the wildest classroom on Earth!

The Yellowstone Association



are educational experiences that go deep! Taught by researchers, field biologists, and other experts, field seminars focus on specific subjects such as predator/prey relationships, park vegetation, illustrating the wild, and wildlife watching.
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mix just the right amount of education and recreation on your vacation. You’ll be based at park hotels and taught by naturalist guides who are intimately familiar with Yellowstone.
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offer private educational programs that immerse your small group in Yellowstone’s wonders. Choose the program that best fits your needs—a one-day tour or a combination of programs for a multi-day experience.
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take you on a learning adventure in the vast wilderness of the Yellowstone area. Designed to be both light on the land and educational, backpacking courses are taught by a professional outdoor leader and a content expert.
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