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AtmosNews :: NCAR & UCAR Science
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How do atmospheric scientists take measurements of the air and its hidden processes? In the Field is 1 of 5 short videos in a new playlist about the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research. UCAR is the nonprofit consortium managing NCAR and providing research and education services to the atmospheric and related Earth system sciences community.

AtmosNews: NCAR & UCAR Science

National Center for Atmospheric Research
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
A likely culprit? The electrified field:
EarthCube #cyberinfrastructure for #geoscience support ofc - coming soon to UCAR
BOULDER – EarthCube, a landmark initiative to develop new technological and computational capabilities for geosciences research, will be supported by the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR) under a new agreement with the National Science Foundation (NSF).
Mathematics of Cryptography and Cyber Security, +more #STEM #teaching ideas
How do researchers, teachers and university faculty, and students get their hands on data about weather, water, climate, and the Earth-Sun connection?

"Data Services" is 1 of 5 short videos in a new playlist about the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research. UCAR is the nonprofit consortium managing NCAR and providing research and education services to the atmospheric and related Earth system sciences community.

AtmosNews: NCAR & UCAR Science

National Center for Atmospheric Research
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
Johnathan Chung's profile photo
Those resources look very useful and educational. I like how the diagrams highlight each contributing factor that makes these events more likely to occur.

cc: +Noah Diffenbaugh​
Great STEM teaching resources: The votes are in, and the winners of the National Science Foundation
s 2016 Video Showcase are:
2016 NSF Video Showcase Advancing STEM Learning For All: Sharing Cutting Edge Work and Community Discourse
Oxygen atmosphere recipe = tectonics + continents + life
How pilots deal with thunderstorms, turbulence, icing, and other weather-related hazards, thanks to atmospheric research. (NCAR Explorer Series 2016)
Air • Planet • People
Atmospheric & Earth system science news from NCAR & UCAR, covering
  • climate 
  • weather - meteorology 
  • oceanography
  • solar physics 
  • chemistry 
  • environment 
  • weather, climate, and society
  • science education
and more. From the nonprofit University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, and our research and development partners.

+ NCAR, the National Center for Atmospheric Research, provides research, observing and computing facilities, and a variety of services for the atmospheric and related Earth sciences community. 

+ UCAR, the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, is a nonprofit consortium of more than 100 universities and colleges offering degrees in the atmospheric and related sciences. 

Adding a share, +1, or comment to a posting implies interest but does not imply endorsement. Terms of use:

UCAR manages NCAR under sponsorship by the National Science Foundation. Any opinions, findings and conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

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