Campus and Lab News

UC San Diego cuddler program Systemwide
Community impact: Volunteers
From celebrities to cancer survivors, UC Health has a long list of helpers.
news update Systemwide
Gov. Brown to college students: Vote on Nov. 6
Issues affecting education funding, state budget process are on the ballot.
UC Davis
Inaugural chair in Alzheimer's research named
Charles DeCarli is a pioneer in neuroimaging investigations to study degenerative dementias.
UC Merced
California is home to extreme weather, too
Warmer climate could turn beneficial snow storms into rain events that trigger flooding.
UC Riverside
Economist to study domestic violence in Latin America
Jorge Agüero wins grant to advance research that may identify long-term economic impacts.
UC Santa Barbara
New tools reveal ‘new beginning' in split-brain research
New study sheds light on highly complex interplay between brain hemispheres.
UC Davis
Food labeling proposition language raises legal issues
First Amendment, federal law are among complicated issues surrounding Proposition 37.
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Science Today

A revolutionary mouthwash developed by a UCLA microbiologist carries the first anti-cavity drug since fluoride was introduced nearly 60 years ago.

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Top Feature

Glenn Kaino
Arts & Culture
Glenn Kaino: Imagination is a perishable skill
UC alum uses the creative process to explore critical issues facing the world.
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Office of the President News

Berkeley bound thumbnail Academic Preparation
UC brings 'Achieve' message to high schoolers
'Achieve UC' encourages students, offers practical tips for aiming for college - especially at UC.
campus climate General News
Systemwide survey focuses on campus climate
Every UC student, faculty and staff member is encouraged to weigh in on survey of school and workplace experiences.
General News
About Proposition 30
Schools and Local Public Safety Protection Act of 2012 is part of state plan to raise education revenue.
General News
Don’t move firewood and pests
Choose local firewood to avoid importing harmful insects and plant diseases.
Williamson Act cuts threaten conservation areas
Further cuts to conservation law would trigger sales or non-agricultural development of ranchland.
General News
President's message on election, Proposition 30
Letter to UC community reiterates importance of exercising right to vote.
Alumni groups endorse Proposition 30
Alumni Associations of the University of California represent 1.6 million UC alumni.
Almonds: state's second-most valuable commodity
Nut crop moves ahead of grapes for the first time ever; 2011 production is valued at $3.87 billion.
More Office of the President News