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Last Update: June 1, 2009

The Division of Investment is soliciting proposals from qualified firms to provide Iran, Sudan, and Northern Ireland Investment Research Related Services.  To receive a copy of the Request for Proposal, please email Amanda.Truppa@treas.state.nj.us or call at 609.777.2945.

Now closed to new proposals:

RFP: Global Custodian
RFP: Financial Services Auditor
RFQ: Manager, Small- and Small-Mid Cap Equity
RFQ: Manager, Emerging Markets Equities
RFQ: Manager, US High Yield

To receive a copy of an upcoming RFP or RFQ when released, send an email to Amanda Truppa, Chief of Staff, at Amanda.Truppa@treas.state.nj.us


$63.2 Billion
(Updated 6/30/09)

Rate of Return

Current Pension Fund Values

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William G. Clark, Director

Physical Location &
Courier Mail Address:

50 West State Street,
9th Floor
Trenton, NJ 08608

USPS Mail Address:
     PO Box 290, Trenton, NJ  08625-0290

Division of Investment Contacts
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Department of the Treasury
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