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Report Allegations of Fraud, Waste, or Abuse Related to TCEQ

Contact the agency's Chief Auditor's Office by online form, toll-free number, or e-mail.

Fraud, waste, and abuse in state agencies affects all Texans by increasing the cost of government and diverting your tax dollars to compensate for the associated losses. The TCEQ takes allegations of fraud, waste, or abuse seriously and will investigate such allegations appropriately.

But, we need your help in providing us with information.

Contact Us

If you are aware of, or suspect, any fraud, waste or abuse related to TCEQ operations, please report it to the TCEQ Chief Auditor’s Office immediately.

Report online: Complete Form
By phone: 877-901-0700 or 512-239-0700

Please give as specific and detailed information as possible to enable us to investigate thoroughly. Although you may choose to remain anonymous, it is helpful if you identify yourself in case we have follow-up questions.

Report to the State Auditor's Office

You may also report allegations of fraud, waste, or abuse to the Texas State Auditor’s Office by calling 800-TX-AUDIT or on their website at Exit the TCEQ.

Annual Audit Report and Plan

Read our annual audit report, audit plan, and associated documents we are required to submit to state officials.