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Calendar of Public Meetings and Hearings on Permitting Cases

Here you will find a listing of all upcoming public meetings, notice and comment hearings, informal public hearings, and contested case hearings on permitting applications.
Table of upcoming public meetings and hearings on permitting cases.
Date Time City Applicant Meeting/
Hearing Type
Permit No. SOAH Docket No.
10/30/14 7:00 p.m. Boerne Trio Residential Developers, Inc. Public Meeting WQ0015219001 -
11/03/14 6:00 p.m. Marble Falls Tex-Mix Partners, Ltd. Public Hearing 123328 -
11/03/14 7:00 p.m. Midlothian Holcim (Texas) Limited Partnership Public Meeting 8996, PSDTX454M4 -
11/05/14 10:00 a.m. Austin City of Asherton Contested Case Hearing WQ0013746001 582-15-0425
11/10/14 10:00 a.m. Bonham North Texas Municipal Water District (NTMWD) Contested Case Hearing 12151 582-15-0690
11/13/14 7:00 p.m. Dallas Columbia Packing Co., Inc. Public Meeting 106009 -
11/20/14 10:00 a.m. Houston Southern Crushed Concrete, LLC Contested Case Hearing 119443L001 582-15-0460
12/15/14 7:00 p.m. Bee Cave JPHD, Inc. Public Meeting WQ0015201001 -

Please Note

With few exceptions, the meetings and hearings on this page have been requested by the public for the specific purpose of discussing permitting issues, such as whether a facility should be allowed to obtain, renew, or amend a Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System, New Source Review, or Municipal Solid Waste permit at a specific location.

All of the meetings are arranged and conducted by the TCEQ's Office of the Chief Clerk (OCC). Most of the hearings, however, are arranged and conducted by the State Office of Administrative Hearings (SOAH), which was created expressly for that purpose.

This calendar only lists meetings and contested case hearings on permitting cases. In addition, the SOAH hearings in this calendar only announce the first notice, or preliminary hearing date, of a case, and are posted purely as a courtesy to our customers. For information on subsequent SOAH hearings, contact SOAH at the number listed below.

Follow these links to find information about TCEQ commission agendas, commission work sessions, the executive director's agenda, and public hearings for proposed rules; or SOAH hearings Exit the TCEQ on rate cases, Certificates of Convenience and Necessity (CCN), enforcement matters, and contract disputes.

If you have questions about a specific hearing or meeting, please call the contact person listed on the hearing or meeting notice. If you have general questions about this calendar, please call OCC at 512-239-3300.

SOAH may be reached by phone 512-475-4993, by E-mail (, or on the Web ( Exit the TCEQ

Persons with disabilities who plan to attend a TCEQ meeting or SOAH hearing and who need special accommodations should call OCC (512-239-3300) or 1-800-RELAY-TX (TDD) at least one week prior to the event.


PERMIT NO. WQ0015219001

Trio Residential Developers, Inc., 12345 Alameda Trace Circle, Apt 522, Austin, Texas 78272, has applied to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) for a new permit, proposed Permit No. WQ0015219001, to authorize the disposal of treated domestic wastewater at a daily average flow not to exceed 140,000 gallons per day via surface irrigation of 40.5 acres of public access land. This permit would not authorize a discharge of pollutants into waters in the State. The wastewater treatment facility and disposal site will be located along the north right-of-way of Ammann Road at its intersection with Rolling Acres Trail in Kendall County, Texas 78006. The wastewater treatment facility and disposal site will be located in the drainage basin of Upper Cibolo Creek in Segment No. 1908 of the San Antonio River Basin.

The TCEQ Executive Director has completed the technical review of the application and prepared a draft permit. The draft permit, if approved, would establish the conditions under which the facility must operate. The Executive Director has made a preliminary decision that this permit, if issued, meets all statutory and regulatory requirements. This link to an electronic map of the site or facility’s general location is provided as a public courtesy and not part of the application or notice. For exact location, please refer to the application.

A public meeting will be held and will consist of two parts, an Informal Discussion Period and a Formal Comment Period. A public meeting is not a contested case hearing under the Administrative Procedures Act. During the Informal Discussion Period, the public will be encouraged to ask questions of the applicant and TCEQ staff concerning the permit application, to which responses will be provided orally during the Informal Discussion Period. The comments and questions submitted orally during the Informal Discussion Period will not be considered before a decision is reached on the permit application and no formal response will be made. During the Formal Comment Period on the permit application, members of the public may state their formal comments orally into the official record. A written response to all timely, relevant and material, or significant comments will be prepared by the Executive Director. All formal comments will be considered before a decision is reached on the permit application. A copy of the written response will be sent to each person who submits a formal comment or who requested to be on the mailing list for this permit application and provides a mailing address. Only relevant and material issues raised during the Formal Comment Period can be considered if a contested case hearing is granted on this permit application.

The Public Meeting is to be held:
Thursday, October 30, 2014 at 7:00 p.m.
Hampton Inn & Suites
34935 Interstate 10 West
Boerne, Texas 78006

Citizens are encouraged to submit written comments anytime during the meeting or by mail before the close of the public comment period to the Office of the Chief Clerk, TCEQ, Mail Code MC-105, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, TX 78711-3087 or electronically at If you need more information about the permit application or the permitting process, please call the TCEQ Public Education Program, Toll Free, at 1-800-687-4040. Si desea información en Español, puede llamar 1-800-687-4040. General information about the TCEQ can be found at our web site at

The permit application, Executive Director’s preliminary decision, and draft permit are available for viewing and copying at the Fair Oaks Ranch City Hall, 7286 Dietz Elkhorn Road, Fair Oaks Ranch, Texas. Further information may also be obtained from Trio Residential Developers, Inc., 12345 Alameda Trace Circle, Apt 522, Austin, Texas 78272 or by calling Mr. Marc Frease at (512) 230-7555.

Persons with disabilities who need special accommodations at the meeting should call the Office of the Chief Clerk at (512) 239-3300 or 1-800-RELAY-TX (TDD) at least one week prior to the meeting.

Issued: September 12, 2014



Tex-Mix Partners, Ltd., P.O. Box 830, Leander, Texas 78646-0830 has applied to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) for an Air Quality Standard Permit for a Concrete Batch Plant with Enhanced Controls Registration Number 123328 to authorize the operation of a concrete batch plant. The facility is proposed to be located on the north side of State Highway 71 at its intersection with Paul Newmann Road (County Road 406), Spicewood, Burnet County, Texas 78669. This link to an electronic map of the site or facility's general location is provided as a public courtesy and not part of the application or notice. For exact location, refer to application. This application was submitted to the TCEQ on September 9, 2014. The primary function of this plant is to manufacture concrete by mixing materials including (but not limited to) sand, aggregate, cement and water. The executive director has determined the application was technically complete on September 15, 2014.

Public written comments about this application may be submitted at any time during the public comment period. The public comment period begins on the first date notice is published and extends to the close of the public hearing. Public comments may be submitted either in writing to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, Office of the Chief Clerk, MC-105, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, TX 78711-3087, or electronically at If you choose to communicate with the TCEQ electronically, please be aware that your email address, like your physical mailing address, will become part of the agency's public record.

A public hearing has been scheduled, that will consist of two parts, an informal discussion period and a formal comment period. During the informal discussion period, the public is encouraged to ask questions of the applicant and TCEQ staff concerning the application, but comments made during the informal period will not be considered by the executive director before reaching a decision on the permit, and no formal response will be made to the informal comments. During the formal comment period, members of the public may state their comments into the official record. Written comments about this application may also be submitted at any time during the hearing. The purpose of a public hearing is to provide the opportunity to submit written comments or an oral statement about the application. The public hearing is not an evidentiary proceeding.

The Public Hearing is to be held:
Monday, November 3, 2014, at 6:00 pm
Marble Falls Public Library
101 Main Street
Marble Falls, Texas 78654

A written response to all formal comments will be prepared by the executive director after the comment period closes. The response, along with the executive director’s decision on the application, will be mailed to everyone who submitted public comments and the response to comments will be posted in the permit file for viewing.

The executive director shall approve or deny the application not later than 35 days after the date of the public hearing, considering all comments received within the comment period, and base this decision on whether the application meets the requirements of the standard permit.

The application will be available for viewing and copying at the TCEQ Central Office and the TCEQ Austin Regional Office, located at 12100 Park 35 Cir Bldg A Rm 179, Austin, Texas 78753-1808, during the hours of 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday, beginning the first day of publication of this notice.

If you need more information about this permit application or the permitting process, please call the Public Education Program toll free at 1-800-687-4040. Si desea información en Español, puede llamar al 1-800-687-4040.

Further information may also be obtained from Tex-Mix Partners, Ltd., P.O. Box 830, Leander, Texas 78646-0830, or by calling Ms. Melissa Fitts, Project Manager, Westward Environmental, Inc. at (830) 249-8284.

Notice Issuance Date: September 17, 2014



Holcim (Texas) Limited Partnership, 1800 Dove Ln, Midlothian, Texas 76065-4435, has applied to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) for issuance of Air Quality Permit 8996 and Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) Air Quality Permit PSDTX454M4, which would authorize modification to the Portland Cement Plant at 1800 Dove Ln, Midlothian, Ellis County, Texas 76065. This application was submitted to the TCEQ on June 2, 2014. The existing facility will emit the following air contaminants in a significant amount: particulate matter including particulate matter with diameters of 10 microns or less and 2.5 microns or less, and sulfuric acid. In addition, the facility will emit the following air contaminants: organic compounds, nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, total reduced sulfur, hazardous air pollutants and other speciated compounds.

A full PSD increment analysis was not required because the predicted impacts of all pollutants subject to PSD review were below the significant impact level for each pollutant. Although it was not required, the applicant conducted a full increment evaluation for PM2.5. The degree of PSD PM2.5 increment predicted to be consumed by the proposed facility and other increment-consuming sources in the area is as follows:

Maximum Averaging Time Maximum Increment Consumed (µg/m3) Allowable Increment (µg/m3)
24-hour 7.87 9
Annual 3.37 4

The executive director has determined that the emissions of air contaminants from the proposed facility which are subject to PSD review will not violate any state or federal air quality regulations and will not have any significant adverse impact on soils, vegetation, or visibility. All air contaminants have been evaluated, and "best available control technology" will be used for the control of these contaminants.

The executive director has completed the technical review of the application and prepared a draft permit which, if approved, would establish the conditions under which the facility must operate. The permit application, executive director’s preliminary decision, draft permit, and the executive director’s preliminary determination summary and executive director’s air quality analysis, will be available for viewing and copying at the TCEQ central office, the TCEQ Dallas/Fort Worth regional office, and at the A H Meadows Public Library, 922 South 9th Street, Midlothian, Ellis County, Texas, beginning the first day of publication of this notice. The facility's compliance file, if any exists, is available for public review at the TCEQ Dallas/Fort Worth Regional Office, 2309 Gravel Dr, Fort Worth, Texas.

These documents are accessible through the Commission’s Web site at the executive director's preliminary decision which includes the draft permit, the executive director’s preliminary determination summary, the air quality analysis, and, once available, the executive director’s response to comments and the final decision on this application. Access the Commissioners’ Integrated Database (CID) using the above link and enter the permit number for this application. The public location mentioned above, A H Meadows Public Library, provides public access to the internet. This link to an electronic map of the site or facility's general location is provided as a public courtesy and not part of the application or notice. For exact location, refer to application.

The TCEQ will hold a public meeting for this application. You may submit public comments on this application or request a contested case hearing to the TCEQ Office of the Chief Clerk at the address below. The purpose of a public meeting is to provide the opportunity to submit comment or to ask questions about the application. A public meeting is not a contested case hearing. The TCEQ will consider all public comments in developing a final decision on the application.

The public meeting will consist of two parts, an Informal Discussion Period and a Formal Comment Period. During the Informal Discussion Period, the public is encouraged to ask questions of the applicant and TCEQ staff concerning the application. However, informal comments made during the Informal Discussion Period will not be considered by the TCEQ Commissioners before reaching a decision on the permit and no formal response will be made to the informal comments. During the Formal Comment Period, members of the public may state their formal comments into the official record. A written response to all formal comments will be prepared by the Executive Director and considered by the Commissioners before they reach a decision on the permit. A copy of the response will be sent to each person who submits a formal comment or who requested to be on the mailing list for this application and who provides a mailing address. Only relevant and material issues raised during the formal comment period can be considered if a contested case hearing is granted.

The Public Meeting is to be held:
Monday November 3, 2014 at 7:00 pm
Midlothian Conference Center
1 Community Center Drive
Midlothian, Texas 76065

You may submit additional written public comments within 30 days of the date of newspaper publication of this notice in the manner set forth in the AGENCY CONTACTS AND INFORMATION paragraph below.

After the deadline for public comment, the executive director will consider the comments and prepare a response to all public comment. The response to comments, along with the executive director's decision on the application will be mailed to everyone who submitted public comments or is on a mailing list for this application.

A contested case hearing is a legal proceeding similar to a civil trial in a state district court. A person who may be affected by emissions of air contaminants from the facility is entitled to request a hearing. A contested case hearing request must include the following: (1) your name (or for a group or association, an official representative), mailing address, daytime phone number, and fax number, if any; (2) applicant's name and permit number; (3) the statement “I/we request a contested case hearing;” (4) a specific description of how you would be adversely affected by the application and air emissions from the facility in a way not common to the general public; (5) the location and distance of your property relative to the facility; and (6) a description of how you use the property which may be impacted by the facility. If the request is made by a group or association, then one or more members who have standing to request a hearing and the interests the group or association seeks to protect must also be identified. You may also submit your proposed adjustments to the application/permit which would satisfy your concerns. Requests for a contested case hearing must be submitted in writing within 30 days following this notice to the Office of the Chief Clerk, at the address provided in the information section below.

A contested case hearing will only be granted based on disputed issues of fact that are relevant and material to the Commission’s decisions on the application. Further, the Commission will only grant a hearing on issues raised by you or others during the public comment period that have not been withdrawn. Issues that are not raised in public comments may not be considered during a hearing.

If a timely contested case hearing request is not received or if all timely contested case hearing requests are withdrawn, the executive director may issue final approval of the application. The response to comments, along with the executive director's decision on the application will be mailed to everyone who submitted public comments or is on a mailing list for this application, and will be posted electronically to the CID. If any timely hearing requests are received and not withdrawn, the executive director will not issue final approval of the permit and will forward the application and requests to the Commissioners for their consideration at a scheduled commission meeting.

You may ask to be placed on a mailing list to obtain additional information on this application by sending a request to the Office of the Chief Clerk at the address below.

Public comments and requests must be submitted either electronically at, or in writing to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, Office of the Chief Clerk, MC-105, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087. If you communicate with the TCEQ electronically, please be aware that your email address, like your physical mailing address, will become part of the agency’s public record. For more information about this permit application or the permitting process, please call the Public Education Program toll free at 1-800-687-4040. Si desea información en Español, puede llamar al 1-800-687-4040.

Further information may also be obtained from Holcim Texas Limited Partnership at the address stated above or by calling Mr. Dan Carnes, Environmental Manager at (972) 923-5830.

Persons with disabilities who need special accommodations at the meeting should call the Office of the Chief Clerk at 512-239-3300 or 1-800-RELAY-TX (DD) at least one week prior to the meeting.

Notice Issuance Date: October 17, 2014

SOAH Docket No. 582-15-0425
TCEQ Docket No. 2014-0898-MWD
Permit No. WQ0013746001

City of Asherton, P.O. Box 450, Asherton, Texas 78827, has applied to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) for a major amendment to Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (TPDES) Permit No. WQ0013746001 to authorize an increase in the discharge of treated domestic wastewater from a daily average flow not to exceed 180,000 gallons per day to a daily average flow not to exceed 200,000 gallons per day.

The facility is located at 504 End Street, Asherton in Dimmit County, Texas 78827. The treated effluent is discharged to an unnamed tributary; thence to El Moro Creek; thence to Soldier Slough; thence to Nueces River Above Holland Dam in Segment No. 2105 of the Nueces River Basin. The unclassified receiving water uses are minimal aquatic life use for the unnamed tributary and El Moro Creek. The designated uses for Segment No. 2105 are high aquatic life use, public water supply and primary contact recreation. In accordance with Title 30 of the Texas Administration Code (30 TAC) section 307.5 and the TCEQ implementation procedures (January 2003) for the Texas Surface Water Quality Standards, an antidegradation review of the receiving waters was performed. A Tier 1 antidegradation review has preliminarily determined that existing water quality uses will not be impaired by this permit action. Numerical and narrative criteria to protect existing uses will be maintained. This review has preliminarily determined that no water bodies with exceptional, high, or intermediate aquatic life uses are present within the stream reach assessed; therefore, no Tier 2 degradation determination is required. No significant degradation of water quality is expected in water bodies with exceptional, high, or intermediate aquatic life uses downstream, and existing uses will be maintained and protected. The preliminary determination can be reexamined and may be modified if new information is received.

The TCEQ Executive Director has prepared a draft permit, which, if approved, would establish the conditions under which the facility must operate. The Executive Director has made a preliminary decision that this permit, if issued, meets all statutory and regulatory requirements. The permit application, Executive Director’s preliminary decision, and draft permit are available for viewing and copying at the City of Asherton City Hall, 7935 State Highway 83, Asherton, Texas. This link to an electronic map of the site or facility’s general location is provided as a public courtesy and not part of the application or notice. For the exact location, refer to the application. 99.752777&zoom=13&type=r

The State Office of Administrative Hearings (SOAH) will conduct a formal contested case hearing at:

10:00 a.m. – November 5, 2014
William P. Clements Building
300 West 15th Street, 4th Floor
Austin, Texas 78701

The contested case hearing will be a legal proceeding similar to a civil trial in state district court. The hearing will address the disputed issues of fact identified in the TCEQ order concerning this application issued on September 19, 2014. In addition to these issues, the judge may consider additional issues if certain factors are met.

The hearing will be conducted in accordance with Chapter 2001, Texas Government Code; Chapter 26, Texas Water Code; and the procedural rules of the TCEQ and SOAH, including 30 TAC Chapter 80 and 1 TAC Chapter 155. The hearing will be held unless all timely hearing requests have been withdrawn or denied.

To request to be a party, you must attend the hearing and show you would be adversely affected by the application in a way not common to members of the general public. Any person may attend the hearing and request to be a party. Only persons named as parties may participate at the hearing.

If you need more information about the hearing process for this application, please call the Public Education Program, toll free, at 1-800-687-4040. General information about the TCEQ can be found on our web site at

Further information may also be obtained from the City of Asherton at the address stated above or by calling Mr. Robert H. Thonhoff, Jr., Thonhoff Consulting Engineers, Inc. at 512-328-6736.

Persons with disabilities who need special accommodations at the hearing should call the SOAH Docketing Department at 512-475-3445, at least one week prior to the hearing.

Issued: September 26, 2014

Bridget C. Bohac, Chief Clerk
Texas Commission on Environmental Quality

SOAH Docket No. 582-15-0690
TCEQ Docket No. 2014-0913-WR
Application No. 12151

North Texas Municipal Water District (NTMWD or Applicant), P.O. Box 2408, Wylie, Texas 75098, seeks a Water Use Permit pursuant to Texas Water Code §§ 11.121, 11.085, 11.042, and 11.046 and Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) Rules 30 Texas Administration Code (TAC) §§ 295.1, et seq.

North Texas Municipal Water District has applied for a Water Use Permit to construct and maintain a dam and reservoir (Lower Bois d’Arc Creek Reservoir) with a maximum normal operating capacity of 367,609 acre-feet of water and a surface area of 16,526 acres on Bois d’Arc Creek, tributary of the Red River, Red River Basin in Fannin County. Applicant seeks authorization to divert and use not to exceed 175,000 acre-feet of water per year from any point on the perimeter of the proposed reservoir at a maximum combine diversion rate of 365.15 cfs (163,889 gpm, 236 mgd) for municipal, industrial and agricultural purposes, including the right to use water within the reservoir for recreational purposes. Applicant requests interbasin transfer authorization to use the water within its service area in the Red and Trinity River Basins, and within Fannin County in the Sulphur River Basin. NTMWD’s service area is currently located within the following counties: Collin, Dallas, Denton, Fannin, Hopkins, Hunt, Kaufman, Rains and Rockwall.

The proposed Lower Bois d’Arc Creek Reservoir will be located 15.2 miles in a northeast direction from City of Bonham and 9.7 miles in a north-northwest direction from the Town of Honey Grove. Station 42+33 on the centerline of the proposed dam will be S 23.2677° E, 514 feet from the southeast corner of O.H.P. Wood Survey, Abstract No. 1177, in Fannin County, Texas, also being at 33.7180° N Latitude, 95.9822° W Longitude. The proposed dam will be located in the George W. King Original Survey, Abstract No. 604, the James Kerr Original Survey, Abstract No. 614, and the John Reynolds Original Survey, Abstract No. 931 in Fannin County, Texas. The proposed dam and reservoir will be located on the land of the Applicant, which will be acquired prior to construction.

Applicant also seeks authorization to reuse return flows generated from the diversion and use of water from the proposed reservoir. Until facilities are developed to reuse said water, return flows may be discharged to the Red, Sulphur, or Trinity River Basins.

Applicant indicates that diversions may overdraft the firm yield of the reservoir as part of a system operation with existing NTMWD supplies to achieve maximum conservation of limited water resources.

Information relating to the contract price of the water to be transferred; a statement of each general category of proposed use of the water to be transferred, and a detailed description of the proposed uses and users under each category; the cost of diverting, conveying, distributing, and supplying the water to, and treating the water for, the proposed users; and the projected effect on user rates and fees for each class of ratepayers can be obtained without cost by submitting a written request to Mr. Robert McCarthy at P.O. Box 2408, 505 east Brown Street, Wylie, Texas 75098, or by accessing the Applicant’s website at

The Executive Director has prepared a draft permit, which, if approved, would establish the conditions under which the applicant may divert and impound this water.

SOAH will conduct a preliminary hearing on this application at:

10:00 a.m. – November 10, 2014
Fannin County Court at Law Annex
210 South Main Street
Bonham, Texas 75418

The purpose of a preliminary hearing is to establish jurisdiction, name the parties, establish a procedural schedule for the remainder of the proceeding, allow an opportunity for settlement discussions, and to address other matters as determined by the judge. The evidentiary hearing phase of the proceeding will be similar to a civil trial in state district court.

The hearing will be conducted in accordance with Chapter 2001, Texas Government Code; Chapter 11, Texas Water Code; and the procedural rules of the TCEQ and SOAH, including 30 Texas Administrative Code (TAC) Chapter 80 and 1 TAC Chapter 155.

The applicant is automatically a party in this hearing. If anyone else wishes to be a party to the hearing, he or she must attend the hearing and show how he or she would be adversely affected by the application in a way not common to members of the general public. Any person may attend the hearing and any person may request to be a party. Only persons named as parties may participate at the hearing.

If you need more information about the hearing process for this application, please call the Public Education Program, toll free, at 1-800-687-4040. General information about the TCEQ can be found at

Persons with disabilities who need special accommodations at the hearing should call the SOAH Docketing Department at 512-475-3445, at least one week prior to the hearing.

Issued: October 16, 2014

Bridget C. Bohac, Chief Clerk
Texas Commission on Environmental Quality



Columbia Packing Co., Inc., 2807 E 11th St, Dallas, Texas 75203-2010, has applied to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) for issuance of Proposed Air Quality Permit Number 106009, which would authorize construction of a smokehouse located at 2807 E 11th St, Dallas, Dallas County, Texas 75203. This link to an electronic map of the site or facility's general location is provided as a public courtesy and not part of the application or notice. For exact location, refer to the application. The proposed facility will emit the following air contaminants: particulate matter including particulate matter with diameters of 10 microns or less and 2.5 microns or less, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, organic compounds, and hazardous air pollutants.

The TCEQ Executive Director has completed the technical review of the application and prepared a draft permit which, if approved, would establish the conditions under which the facility must operate. The executive director has made a preliminary decision to issue the permit because it meets all rules and regulations.

A public meeting will be held and will consist of two parts, an Informal Discussion Period and a Formal Comment Period. A public meeting is not a contested case hearing under the Administrative Procedure Act. During the Informal Discussion Period, the public will be encouraged to ask questions of the applicant and TCEQ staff concerning the permit application. The comments and questions submitted orally during the Informal Discussion Period will not be considered before a decision is reached on the permit application and no formal response will be made. Responses will be provided orally during the Informal Discussion Period. During the Formal Comment Period on the permit application, members of the public may state their formal comments orally into the official record. At the conclusion of the comment period, all formal comments will be considered before a decision is reached on the permit application. A written response to all formal comments will be prepared by the Executive Director and will be sent to each person who submits a formal comment or who requested to be on the mailing list for this permit application and provides a mailing address. Only relevant and material issues raised during the Formal Comment Period can be considered if a contested case hearing is granted on this permit application.

The Public Meeting is to be held:
Thursday, November 13, 2014 at 7:00 PM
Franklin D. Roosevelt High School Auditorium
525 Bonnie View Road
Dallas, Texas 75203

Citizens are encouraged to submit written comments anytime during the public meeting or by mail before the close of the public comment period to the Office of the Chief Clerk, TCEQ, Mail Code MC-105, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087 or electronically at If you need more information about the permit application or the permitting process, please call the TCEQ Public Education Program, toll free, at 1-800-687-4040. General information can be found at our Web site at Si desea información en Español, puede llamar al 1-800-687-4040.

The permit application, executive director's preliminary decision, and draft permit are available for viewing and copying at the TCEQ central office, 12100 Park 35 Circle, Building E, Room 103, Austin, Texas 78753, the TCEQ Dallas/Fort Worth regional office, 2309 Gravel Dr., Fort Worth, Texas, and at the Paul Laurence Dunbar Lancaster-Kiest Branch Library, 2008 East Kiest Boulevard, Dallas, Dallas County, Texas. The facility's compliance file, if any exists, is available for public review in the Dallas/Fort Worth regional office at the address listed above. Further information may also be obtained from Columbia Packing Co., Inc., 2807 E 11th St, Dallas, Texas 75203-2010 or by calling Ms. Lori Madrid, Environmental and Air Quality Specialist at (214) 315-7761.

Persons with disabilities who need special accommodations at the meeting should call the Office of the Chief Clerk at 512-239-3300 or 1-800-RELAY-TX (TDD) at least one week prior to the meeting.

Issued: October 20, 2014

SOAH Docket No. 582-15-0460
TCEQ Docket No. 2014-1401-AIR
Proposed Registration No. 119443L001

Southern Crushed Concrete, LLC, 9303 New Trails Drive Suite 200, The Woodlands, Texas 77381-5020, has applied to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) for an Air Quality Standard Permit for a Concrete Batch Plant Registration Number 119443L001, which would authorize construction of a temporary concrete batch plant under Title 30 Texas Administrative Code § 116.611 (30 TAC § 116.611) at 5001 Gasmer Drive, Houston, Harris County, Texas 77035. The proposed facility will emit the following air contaminants: particulate matter including (but not limited to) aggregate, cement, road dust, and particulate matter with diameters of 10 microns or less and 2.5 microns or less.

The TCEQ Executive Director has determined that the application meets all of the requirements of a Standard Permit authorized by 30 TAC § 116.611 which would establish the conditions under which the facility must operate. The Executive Director has made a preliminary decision to issue the registration because it meets all rules and regulations. The permit application, executive director’s preliminary decision, and standard permit are available for viewing and copying at the TCEQ central office, the TCEQ Houston regional office, and the Houston Public Library-Meyer Neighborhood Branch, 5005 West Bellfort, Houston, Harris County, Texas. The facility’s compliance file, if any exists, is available for public review at the TCEQ Houston Regional Office, 5425 Polk Street, Suite H, Houston, Texas.

The Notice of Application and Preliminary Decision was published on July 24, 2014 and July 25, 2014. On September 22, 2014, the Applicant filed a request for direct referral to the State Office of Administrative Hearings (SOAH). Therefore, the chief clerk has referred this application directly to SOAH for a hearing on whether the application complies with all applicable statutory and regulatory requirements.

The State Office of Administrative Hearings (SOAH) will conduct a formal contested case hearing at:

10:00 a.m. – November 20, 2014
State Office of Administrative Hearings
The Preserve at North Loop
2020 North Loop West, Suite 111
Houston, Texas 77018

The contested case hearing will be a legal proceeding similar to a civil trial in state district court. The hearing will be conducted in accordance with the Chapter 2001, Texas Government Code; Chapter 382, Texas Health and Safety Code; TCEQ rules including 30 Texas Administrative Code (TAC) Chapter 116, Subchapters A and B; and the procedural rules of the TCEQ and SOAH, including 30 TAC Chapter 80 and 1 TAC Chapter 155.

To request to be a party, you must attend the hearing and show you would be affected by the application in a way not common to the general public. Any person may attend the hearing and request to be a party. Only persons named as parties may participate at the hearing.

You may ask to be placed on a mailing list to obtain additional information on this application by sending a request to the Office of the Chief Clerk at the address below.

Public comments and requests must be submitted either electronically at, or in writing to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, Office of the Chief Clerk, MC-105, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087. If you communicate with the TCEQ electronically, please be aware that your email address, like your physical mailing address, will become part of the agency's public record. For more information about this permit application, the permitting process, or the contested case hearing process, please call the Public Education Program toll free at 1-800-687-4040. Si desea información en Español, puede llamar al 1-800-687-4040. General information regarding the TCEQ may be obtained electronically at

If you need more information about the hearing process for this application, please call the Public Education Program, toll free, at 1-800-687-4040. General information regarding the TCEQ can be found at

Persons with disabilities who need special accommodations at the hearing should call the SOAH Docketing Department at 512-475-3445, at least one week prior to the hearing.

Further information may also be obtained from Southern Crushed Concrete, LLC at the address stated above or by calling Ms. Monique Wells, Environmental Consultant, CIC Environmental LLC at 512-292-4314.

Issued: October 1, 2014

Bridget C. Bohac, Chief Clerk
Texas Commission on Environmental Quality


PERMIT NO. WQ0015201001

JPHD, Inc., 17024 Hamilton Pool Road, Austin, Texas 78738, has applied to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) for a new permit, proposed Permit No. WQ0015201001, to authorize the disposal of treated domestic wastewater effluent at a daily average flow not to exceed 450,000 gallons per day via drip irrigation on 6 application areas with a minimum total surface area of 104.79 acres divided into 36 zones. The draft permit would not authorize the discharge of pollutants into waters in the State. The wastewater treatment facility and disposal site will be located 3.2 miles west of the intersection of State Highway 71 and Hamilton Pool Road, on Hamilton Pool Road in Travis County, Texas 78738. The wastewater treatment facility and disposal site will be located in the drainage basin of Barton Creek in Segment No. 1430 of the Colorado River Basin.

The TCEQ Executive Director has completed the technical review of the application and prepared a draft permit. The draft permit, if approved, would establish the conditions under which the facility must operate. The Executive Director has made a preliminary decision that this permit, if issued, meets all statutory and regulatory requirements. This link to an electronic map of the site or facility's general location is provided as a public courtesy and not part of the application or notice. For exact location, please refer to the application.

A public meeting will be held and will consist of two parts, an Informal Discussion Period and a Formal Comment Period. A public meeting is not a contested case hearing under the Administrative Procedures Act. During the Informal Discussion Period, the public will be encouraged to ask questions of the applicant and TCEQ staff concerning the permit application, to which responses will be provided orally during the Informal Discussion Period. The comments and questions submitted orally during the Informal Discussion Period will not be considered before a decision is reached on the permit application and no formal response will be made. During the Formal Comment Period on the permit application, members of the public may state their formal comments orally into the official record. A written response to all timely, relevant and material, or significant comments will be prepared by the Executive Director. All formal comments will be considered before a decision is reached on the permit application. A copy of the written response will be sent to each person who submits a formal comment or who requested to be on the mailing list for this permit application and provides a mailing address. Only relevant and material issues raised during the Formal Comment Period can be considered if a contested case hearing is granted on this permit application.

The Public Meeting is to be held:
Monday, December 15, 2014 at 7:00 p.m.
Star Hill Ranch
15000 Hamilton Pool Road
Bee Cave, Texas 78738

Citizens are encouraged to submit written comments anytime during the meeting or by mail before the close of the public comment period to the Office of the Chief Clerk, TCEQ, Mail Code MC-105, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, TX 78711-3087 or electronically at The public comment period will close at the end of the public meeting on December 15. If you need more information about the permit application or the permitting process, please call the TCEQ Public Education Program, Toll Free, at 1-800-687-4040. Si desea información en Español, puede llamar 1-800-687-4040. General information about the TCEQ can be found on our web site at

The permit application, Executive Director's preliminary decision, and draft permit are available for viewing and copying at the Bee Cave Public Library, 4000 Galleria Parkway, Bee Cave, Texas 78738. Further information may also be obtained from JPHD, Inc., 17024 Hamilton Pool Road, Austin, Texas 78738 or by calling Mr. Daniel Ryan, P.E., LJA Engineering, Inc., at (512) 439-4700.

Persons with disabilities who need special accommodations at the meeting should call the Office of the Chief Clerk at (512) 239-3300 or 1-800-RELAY-TX (TDD) at least one week prior to the meeting.

Issued: October 27, 2014