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Office of the Executive Director

The executive director, who is hired by the commissioners, is responsible for managing the agency's day-to-day operations.

Richard A. Hyde, P.E., Executive Director
Stephanie Bergeron Perdue, Deputy Executive Director
Staff: Address/Phone/Fax








Major responsibilities of the executive director include directing the operations of 17 statewide offices, implementing commission policies, making recommendations to the commissioners about contested permitting and enforcement matters, and approving uncontested permit applications and registrations.

The deputy executive director serves as the chief operating officer to assist the executive director in the administration of the agency.

Six office clusters report to the executive director. Each office is headed by a deputy director. These deputies are responsible for administering our regulatory and administrative programs.

Office of Administrative Services
Office of Air
Office of Compliance and Enforcement
Office of Legal Services
Office of Waste
Office of Water

Also reporting directly to the executive office:
Take Care of Texas Program
Agency Communications
Environmental Assistance
Intergovernmental Relations

See also:
Executive Director's Agendas

Take Care of Texas Program

John Bentley, Director
Staff: Address/Phone/Fax

Take Care of Texas is a statewide campaign that provides helpful information on Texas' successes in environmental protection and encourages all Texans to help keep our air and water clean, conserve water and energy, and reduce waste. The program includes an interactive website at, radio and television public service announcements, free print publications to educate Texans of all ages, classroom resources, social-media sites, and more.

See also:
TCOT Website
TCOT Publications Catalog
TCOT Facebook
TCOT Twitter
TCOT Instagram

Agency Communications

Terry Clawson, Director
Staff: Address/Phone/Fax

The Agency Communications Division works to continuously improve and streamline the delivery of print and Web information to the public and within the agency. This division coordinates the agency response to all media inquiries, prepares and distributes agency news releases, and coordinates news conferences. The division also includes the agency library, and a publishing staff that coordinates, produces, and distributes regulatory and general informational materials, both print and Web.

See also:
News Releases
Natural Outlook
Publications Catalog
Environmental Research Library

Environmental Assistance

Brian Christian, Director
Staff: Address/Phone/Fax

The Environmental Assistance Division (EAD) provides confidential compliance assistance on air, water, and waste regulations to small businesses and small local governments; works with regulated entities, industries, and manufacturers to implement pollution prevention, recycling, and innovative environmental programs; and educates the public and the regulated community on rules, TCEQ processes, and environmental issues. The EAD services include:

The EAD also implements the TCEQ’s Public Education Program. The program answers questions about pending TCEQ permits, explains the permitting process, helps the public learn of opportunities for public participation on permit applications, and staffs a toll-free hotline for the general public (800-687-4040). In addition, the Public Education Program distributes the TCEQ Customer Satisfaction Survey, which encourages customers’ feedback on their experiences with the agency. Every two years, the Public Education Program summarizes the most recent survey responses in a Report on Customer Service to the Legislative Budget Board.

Intergovernmental Relations

Ryan Vise, Director
Staff: Address/Phone/Fax

The Intergovernmental Relations Division (IGR) coordinates the agency response to congressional and state legislative inquiries and constituent issues, legislative initiatives, and interim committee studies affecting the agency. IGR also coordinates the agency’s testimony and participation during legislative sessions and ensures that the Legislature is informed of the TCEQ’s initiatives and activities. IGR serves as a clearinghouse for border-affairs information for the TCEQ and coordinates agency comments on national policy issues.

See also:
Reports to the Texas Legislature
Implementing Legislation
National Comments Log


Michael Honeycutt, Ph.D., Director
Staff: Address/Phone/Fax

The Toxicology Division gives toxicological support to a broad range of agency activities. The division assesses risks to human health and makes technical recommendations regarding agency permitting, monitoring, and enforcement.

TCEQ toxicologists:

  • Conduct the toxicological evaluations of air permit applications.
  • Develop Effects Screening Levels.
  • Develop Air Monitoring Comparison Values.
  • Evaluate environmental data collected from the air, water, and soil.
  • Characterize and communicate risk to citizens and external stakeholders.
  • Make recommendations for the addition or removal of areas to the Air Pollutant Watch List based on air monitoring data.
  • Review Baseline Risk Assessments and other remediation-related documents submitted under the Texas Risk Reduction Program and the Risk Reduction Rules for state and federal Superfund sites.