School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology

SOEST Videos

SOEST video image Hawai‘i Undersea Research Laboratory (HURL)

Operating two of only eight deep-diving submersibles in the world, HURL provides the science and engineering communities with safe and efficient, cutting edge submergence capability. A regional center in the NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration and Research, HURL supports proposals to conduct undersea research in offshore and nearshore waters of the main and Northwestern Hawaiian Islands and waters of the central, southwestern, and western Pacific, including the new marine national monuments.

C-MORE video image Center for Microbial Oceanography: Research and Education (C-MORE)

As a National Science Foundation-sponsored Science and Technology Center, C-MORE strives for a more comprehensive understanding of the diversity and ecological role of microorganisms in the sea. Stated holistically, C-MORE‘s primary mission is: Linking Genomes to Biomes

Click on the preview image or the title to view the video in a pop-up window (you may need to turn off pop-up blockers). Please visit our video page to see more SOEST videos.

SOEST in the News

Image of clouds Global warming: greenhouse gases vs solar heating

Examining global precipitation changes over the last millennium and projections to the end of the 21st century in computer climate simulations, a team of scientists led by Jian Liu (Chinese Academy of Sciences, CAS) and Bin Wang (IPRC researcher and Meteorology department chair), report in the journal Nature that global warming from greenhouse gases affects rainfall patterns differently from warming from solar heating. For example, global rainfall has increased less over the present-day warming period than it did during the Medieval Warm Period, even though temperatures are higher today.

Read more about in UH Mānoa News, EurekAlert!, RedOrbit, and AccuWeather; read the Nature abstract. Image courtesy of Shang-Ping Xie, SOEST.

confocal image of coral polyp HIMB coral video wins NSF/Science award

Congratulations! The 2012 International Science & Engineering Visualization Challenge Honorable Mention for Video goes to Christine Farrar, Zac Forsman, Ruth Gates, Jo-Ann Leong, and Robert Toonen, all at the Hawai‘i Institute of Marine Biology (HIMB), for their video “Observing the coral symbiome using laser scanning confocal microscopy.” Without using dyes, images of the fluorescence by molecules in living corals and their symbiotic red algae under different wavelengths of light were captured by a confocal microscope and compiled into three-dimensional, time-lapse animations.

Read more about it at the NSF and Science news sites, and in the Guardian, NBC’s CosmicLog, UH Mānoa News, and Dive Image courtesy of HIMB; click on it to watch the video in a separate window.

Fletcher climate text cover First climate change textbook for college students

Charles “Chip” Fletcher, professor of Geology & Geophysics and SOEST’s Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, has released the first edition of Climate Change: What the Science Tells Us (published by J. Wiley and Sons, Hoboken, NJ). Fletcher offers the first real textbook to present the science surrounding climate change at the right level for an undergraduate student. “Our climate is changing NOW in rapid and dangerous ways. But by and large, we are not teaching the current generation of students about the reality of this phenomenon,” stated Fletcher. “Without this knowledge, our ability to manage the impacts of a changing climate is limited.”

Read more about it at EurekAlert! and UH Mānoa News. Image courtesy of J. Wiley and Sons, Hoboken, NJ.

Please visit SOEST in the News: 2013 for archived news articles, with links to previous years.

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