We can defeat malaria

We can defeate malaria

Malaria is preventable and curable. Significant progress has been made since 2000 thanks to increased global investment and action.



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1 child dies every 60 sec

Photo: Georgina Goodwin, Vestergaard Frandsen

Despite recent progress, about half the world's population still lives in malaria risk areas and malaria remains a leading cause of death amongst young children.


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Keep up momentum

We cannot afford to lose momentum

Today's gains against malaria are increasingly threatened by a shortfall in funding. It is critically important that we stay on course; malaria resurgence will remain a persistent threat until the disease is stopped altogether.

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World Malaria Day 2013 - What can it do for you?

World Malaria Day is a chance to shine a spotlight on the global effort to control malaria. Each year, Roll Back Malaria (RBM) partner organisations unite around a common World Malaria Day theme. Invest in the future: defeat malaria is the theme partners chose for the next three years to call attention to #thebigpush needed to reach the 2015 Millennium Development Goals and defeat malaria in the future.

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