njda home
Division of Dairy and Commodity Regulation
Anne Marie Ference, Executive Assistant
Phone 609-292-5575
FAX 609-984-2508

John Fitch Plaza
PO Box 330
Trenton, NJ 08625-0330


Dairy Industry
Commodity Regulation

  This year, the Division of Dairy and Commodity Regulation will continue to operate regulatory and service programs critical to farmers and consumers alike:
  • to maintain a stable, competitive milk market;
  • to help guarantee prompt payment to producers of dairy product and other perishable agricultural commodities through bonding programs;
  • to enhance the marketability of fresh fruits, vegetables, red meat, poultry and poultry products and fish and fisheries products for producers and to assure consumers who purchase these inspected commodities that they meet established quality standards through and commodity grading and inspection programs.
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