The following pages do not attempt to document every single flood that has ever occurred in the northeast United States. However, it does provide a broad overview of most of the record breaking flooding that has occurred. In addition, it becomes apparent upon reviewing this, that in this part of the country not all flooding is alike. Flooding can occur at any time of year, and can result from many different types of meteorological events. In general, a single large rainfall event may be sufficient to cause minor to moderate flooding. However, the largest floods in the northeast have generally been caused by two large storms falling in a 7 day period. It should also be remebered that all 6 inch rainstorms are not equal. A six inch rain in April, accompanied by snowmelt and wet soil conditions will have a much larger impact on the rivers than a 6 inch rain in August when soil conditions are normally much dryer and the vegetative cover consumes a large portion of the precipitation. In addition, following the disastrous floods in the early part of this century, a large number of flood control projects have been developed by the US Army Corps of Engineers. These have successfully reduced many flood peaks. However, the entire area obviously cannot be controlled and more floods are sure to come.

November 1996

Record flooding occurred just west of Lake Champlain following a 5-8 inch rainfall

March/April 1987

Heavy rains combined with snowmelt resulted in major flooding throughout New England

June 1982

Up to 16 inches of rainfall resulted in major flooding throughout Connecticut

June 1972

Hurricane Agnes moved up the East Coast. While the most significant damages were along the Susquehanna River basin, major flooding was also reported along the Genesee River in Western New York

March 1968

Heavy rain combined with snowmelt caused small river flooding in southeast New England

August 1955

Hurricanes Connie and Diane came a week apart to batter most of New England with the most significant flooding recorded at many locations.

January 1949

A New Years Day storm resulted in flooding principally in the Hudson Valley

September 1938

Widespread 10 inch rainfall caused by a hurricane resulted in major flooding throughout the Connecticut River valley

March 1936

Heavy Rain and melting snow caused major flooding throughout the Northeast and Middle Atlantic states

November 1927

A late season tropical system produced record flooding in Vermont.