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National Homeless Persons’ Memorial Day

December 21, 2012
Co-Sponsored by the National Coalition for the Homeless, National Consumer Advisory Board, and the National Health Care for the Homeless Council (NHCHC)

Thank you to everyone who commmorated 2011's Homeless Persons' Memorial Day! Thousands of you remembered your friends, family members, and neighbors who passed away while homeless in the past year. At least 157 cities in 40 states and the District of Columbia took part.

See this list of local cities taking part, or let us know if your event is not listed.

Each year since 1990, on or near the first day of winter and the longest night of the year, National Coalition for the Homeless (NCH), National Consumer Advisory Board (NCAB), and the National Health Care for the Homeless Council (NHCHC) has co-sponsored National Homeless Persons' Memorial Day to bring attention to the tragedy of homelessness and to remember our homeless friends who have paid the ultimate price for our nation's failure to end homelessness.

In an effort to maximize the impact of the day, NCH, NCAB, and NHCHC have encouraged local and statewide organizations to hold memorials of their own.  Last year, more than 152 cities across the nation sponsored events to honor those who had died and to recommit to the task of ending homelessness.

This year, once again, we are encouraging groups to plan a special event on or around December 21, 2012.  Some groups may decide to hold their event a day or so before the date.

Want to know how to host a Memorial Day event?
View our organizing manual or Contact us

Here are some ways you and your community can support the National Homeless Persons’ Memorial Day:

  • Work on getting a proclamation from your local and/or state governmental body. You will find sample proclamations in our Organizing Manual.
  • Let us know in advance the logistics for your local event. This allows us to alert the national media of events happening locally. 
  • Once the event is over, let us know how it went, list of names read, how many attended and any media coverage.
  • As sponsors with twenty years of experience, please let us know if we can provide any additional information, help or advice.

Bloggers Unite

Bloggers everywhere are writing about National Homeless Persons' Memorial Day. See what they are saying by visiting BloggersUnite.org. Do you blog? Click the link to find out how you can participate!


National Coalition for the Homeless
2201 P Street NW
Washington, DC 20037-1033

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Page last modified: Dec. 20, 2011

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