USDA Forest Service

Pacific Southwest Research Station


Pacific Southwest Research Station
800 Buchanan Street
West Annex Building
Albany, CA 94710-0011

(510) 559-6300

United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service. USDA logo which links to the department's national site. Forest Service logo which links to the agency's national site.

Research Topics

Fire Science

Main Topic | CRAFT | Imaging | Global Fire Impacts | Forecasting Fire Weather | Managing Fire and Fuels | Fire Effects and Watershed Response | Social Aspects of Fire

Major Research Initiatives:

[Image]: 3D generated image of fire : Imaging: PSW is developing new technology to monitor the progress and intensity of major wildland fires and their impacts on the environment. Fire behavior data will support tactical fire operations and the development of predictive models. More about this topic.

[Image]: generated weather image western U.S. Forecasting Fire Weather: Climate models are being applied to forecast conditions affecting fire severity over periods from days to months. More about this topic.

[Image]: 3D generated image of fire Managing Fire and Fuels: PSW is supporting fire management with studies of biomass and fuel accumulation, prescribed burning, and fire emissions. Information technology is being developed to better integrate resource, environmental, social, political, economic, and fire-behavior information. More about this topic.

[Photo]: Distant view of watershed Fire Effects and Watershed Response: Serious resource and societal losses can occur after the wildfire is suppressed. Forces driving postfire soil erosion and flooding and their mitigation are being investigated throughout the West. More about this topic.

Social Aspects of Fire: Research will examine social impacts due to fire and fire management in the urban-wildland interface. Studies will examine values, attitudes and behaviors of recreationists, the general population in regions surrounding fireprone ecosystems, recreation residence owners, and year-round residents. We will provide information and management tools related to constituent perceptions about fire suppression, post-fire forest health issues, beliefs about recreation activities, beliefs about human health and safety, and beliefs about impacts to fire-prone ecosystems in the wildland-urban interface (including smoke). More about this topic.

Research Highlights
  • Information from Burned Area Emergency Response (BAER) reports suggest substantial direct impacts of fire on outdoor recreation and substantial risks to recreation opportunities in the future.
  • Recreation visitors may be constrained by fire management actions.
  • Favored opinions about wildland and wilderness fire management and interventions were signs at recreation sites and closure of some areas to recreation use.
  • Bans of specific recreation uses are the least-preferred wildland and wilderness fire management and intervention.
  • Year-round, seasonal homeowners, and special use permittees holding cabins on FS land were very concerned about wildfires in their state.
  • Fires that are out of control are perceived as the most influential barrier to outdoor recreation.

Last Modified: Feb 25, 2011 05:14:36 PM