Office of Security Negotiations and Agreements (PM/SNA)

The mission of the office of Security Negotiations and Agreements (PM/SNA) is to facilitate the deployment of U.S. military forces throughout the world by coordinating, negotiating and concluding international agreements to meet the nation's security requirements.

To accomplish this mission, PM/SNA leads the U.S. Government’s negotiation of status of forces agreements, defense cooperation agreements, burden-sharing and base access agreements, transit and overflight arrangements, and state flights agreements. These agreements facilitate the deployment and movement of U.S. forces and materiel abroad and provide protections for U.S. service members operating overseas. PM/SNA literally covers the globe: in the last two years the office has concluded burden-sharing agreement with the Republic of Korea and Japan, as well as an array of access and transit agreements with the states of Central Asia. Other negotiations are ongoing with countries in the Caribbean, North Africa and the Persian Gulf, with upcoming consultations planned in sub-Saharan Africa and Europe. PM/SNA relies heavily on expertise provided by the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD)/Policy, OSD’s Office General Counsel, the Joint Staff, and regional bureaus and the Office of the Legal Advisor at State, as well as by Embassies and the regional Combatant Commands.

Thomas F. Daughton, a career member of the Senior Foreign Service, is currently the Senior Advisor for Security Negotiations and Agreements. Mr. Daughton’s overseas assignments with the Department of State include Jamaica, Morocco, Greece, Gabon, Malaysia, Algeria and Lebanon. In Washington he has served in the Near Eastern Affairs and East Asia and Pacific Affairs bureaus.

Mr. Daughton can be reached at For more information about PM/SNA, please call (202) 647-8325.


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