
Ken Powell

Service in the Heartland

Since its beginning in 1935, the Social Security Administration ranks among the premier agencies in government. Universally recognized as the most successful domestic program in our nation’s history, Social Security is fundamental to the economic security of our nation. It contributes to the basic well–being, health, and quality of life of the American people. For beneficiaries, family members, neighbors, and taxpayers, Social Security is the foundation for a basic standard of living.

Social Security touches the lives of more Americans than any other federal program. Whether assigning a Social Security number to a newborn infant; providing benefits to a retired worker, a person with disabilities, or to the survivors of a deceased worker; we are there for you when you need help.

Our mission is to deliver Social Security services that meet the changing needs of the public. We do this in the Kansas City Region by providing the highest standard of considerate and thoughtful service — every time you contact us; no matter how you contact us. We want you to see and believe that our service is exceptional. You expect us to get things done; and we do! Our goals are to:

  1. Eliminate our hearings backlog and prevent its recurrence;
  2. Improve the speed and quality of our disability process;
  3. Improve our retiree and other core services;
  4. Preserve the public’s trust in our programs.

I am honored to serve you and to work with exceptional employees who are committed to maintaining this high level of service. We ask you to let us know how we are doing and how we can improve our service to you.

Ken Powell
Regional Commissioner