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Fri 7 Dec, 2012

The Supreme Court today granted review in two same-sex marriage cases. The Court will consider a challenge to the Federal Defense of Marriage Act and California's ban on same-sex marriages (commonly known as Prop. 8). The Court could decide the cases several ways, but it will consider whether the Fourteenth Amendment's Equal Protection clause requires that states permit same-sex marriage.

Fri 30 Nov, 2012

At their conference today, the justices of the Supreme Court are considering which of several cases challenging restrictions on same-sex marriage the Court will review, setting the stage for what will likely be the most watched, and potentially most influential, decision this term. SCOTUSblog has an excellent overview of the cases the Court is considering, and the different questions each presents.

Fri 9 Nov, 2012

The Court on Friday agreed to review the Voting Rights Act, a landmark piece of legislation originally passed during the civil rights era. The Court will focus on whether a core provision of the act, requiring certain states with a history of racial discrimination to submit any changes in election laws to the Federal government for review, exceeds Congress' authority.

The case is Shelby County v. Holder.

Thu 1 Nov, 2012

Prof. Douglas Godfrey discusses Florida v. Jardines, a Fourth Amendment case and the second of two cases heard by the Court this week concerning drug-detecting police dogs.

Mon 29 Oct, 2012

The Court is expected to hear two cases this week dealing with the use of police dogs trained to detect drugs. Prof. Sanford Greenberg discusses the first of these cases, Florida v. Harris.