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Office of Departmental Personnel Security

Director's Message

Welcome to the Office of Departmental Personnel Security!

Tracey Berry, Director

Our office, created in 2007, is one of the newer organizations within HSS. Our mission is to act as a centralized unit within the complex to develop and implement sound personnel security policies, procedures and directives that will:

  • Ensure that the people trusted to perform the Department's work are of high character, loyal to the United States and worthy of the highest level of trust from their colleagues, their government, and the people of the United States;
  • Ensure that we perform our duties in the most efficient manner possible;
  • Ensure that the rights of all individuals in contact with our program are respected and that they are treated fairly and with dignity;
  • Ensure that the interests of the people of the United States are considered and protected in all that we do;
  • Ensure that the individuals performing this work within the Department will possess a strong sense of purpose and of the importance of their work

We recognize that we have an obligation to the employees of the Department to conduct our work in the most transparent manner possible, while still protecting the interests of national security. To this end, we intend in the coming months and years to regularly communicate with you, via this web-site, on matters regarding personnel security which time and experience have shown are often unclear to those outside our profession. This would include everything from your rights in the personnel security process, national-level developments in personnel security which may impact our policies here at DOE, and the impact of certain issues (mental health counseling, financial delinquencies, etc.) on the access authorization determination process.

Thanks for taking the time to check in on us, and be sure to check back periodically for updates.

This page was last updated on June 28, 2012