Register for Your Account - Level 2
Form Approved OMB No. 0503-0014

Step 1 of 4 - Level 2 Access Account Registration

USDA customers should complete the information below to create a USDA eAuthentication account. Please read the eAuthentication Privacy Act Statement and Public Burden Statement for more information on how your personal information will be protected.

All required fields are red and marked by an asterisk (i.e. * ). Enter your first and last name exactly as it appears on your Government issued photo ID (e.g. state driver's license).

Note: The characters < > ^ | are not allowed on this form.

User Information ?
Contact Information ?
Login Information ?

User ID complexity requirements:
  • No less than 6 characters
  • No more than 20 characters
  • Only special characters .-_@ allowed
  • Special characters not required.
  • No spaces allowed
  • User ID cannot begin or end with a period

Your password must include at least 12, but no more than 24 alphanumeric and special characters with no spaces, including at least:
  • 12-24 characters
  • One number
  • One uppercase letter
  • One lowercase letter
  • One special character ! # $ - % = + : ; ? ~ *
  • Dictionary words may not be used in passwords
  • The previous 24 passwords may not be re-used
Security Information ?
Security Questions ?

Please select and answer four distinct questions from the selections below. This information will be used to validate your identity if you forget your password. Each question may only be used once. For additional assistance, click the ? above.


Version: Environment: PRO Deployed: 12/6/2012 1:25:58 PM