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Drinking & Ground Water

Human Uses of Water NPDES Permitting and Enforcement Source Water Protection Septic Systems Agriculture Well Head Protection Drinking Water Agriculture Septic Systems

Consumer Confidence Reports - annual water quality reports from public water suppliers

District of Columbia Drinking Water - the District of Columbia has had lead in its drinking water from lead service lines and customers' plumbing systems

Drinking Water - water from the tap or from private wells, consumed by humans

Protection of Drinking Water - protecting sources of drinking water from pollution

Security & Emergency Preparedness - actions underway to assess and reduce vulnerabilities to our drinking water and wastewater infrastructures

Sole Source Aquifers - when a community depends on a single source of drinking water and there is no possibility that a replacement water supply could be found

State Revolving Fund - EPA grant funding to the states to construct improvements to wastewater and drinking water facilities

Underground Injection Control - the injection of fluids underground in porous rock formations through wells or other systems such as septic systems or cesspools

Water Infrastructure - drinking water treatment plants, sewer lines, drinking water distribution lines, and storage facilities

Water Quality Standards - state requirements that define the water quality goals of a lake, stream, or other waterbody by designating the beneficial uses and setting criteria to protect those uses

Wells - Private - drinking water pumped from an individual's well, usually unregulated

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