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Note icon.The department has changed all fill-in forms to PDF fill-in. (Most of the forms have fill-in fields, but some forms are still in the process of conversion.)  You will be able to save and reuse these PDF forms. However, you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader 7 or higher to save the PDF fill-in form. Also, at this time the department does not accept digital signatures. If your Acrobat Reader prompts you to use one, we ask that you don't.

Fill in forms will accept only a limited amount of information in each individual box. If you need to insert more information than the form will accept, please use a supplemental sheet.

Link to Permit Assistance

Permit Assistant

If you're seeking an environmental permit, registration or certification for your business, school, community, or activity, the Missouri Department of Natural Resources' Permit Assistant can help! This tool is designed to help users determine what type of environmental permits they need and provide the forms to apply for these permits. This easy-to-use tool will ask you a few simple questions to determine your needs. Let's get started!

General Information

air pollution forms link
Air Pollution

Note icon.Sales Tax Exemption forms are no longer processed by the Department of Natural Resources. Applicants should use the Missouri Department of Revenue's Form 149 Sales/Use Tax Exemption Certificate and issue them directly to seller. They do not need to be sent to the Department of Revenue.

Ambient Air Quality Monitoring

Asbestos (General)

Asbestos Abatement Contractor Registration

Asbestos Removal Notification

Concrete Batch Operation

  • These files are currently under development. For questions, contact the construction permit unit at 573-751-4817.

Construction Permits (New Source Review Permits)

Please note: This application can be used for De Minimis, Minor Source, Major Source New Source Review/Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) or Major New Source Review Hazardous Air Pollutant (HAP) Permits.  (Air Construction Permits Guidance information.)

Emissions Banking and Trading

Emission Inventory Questionnaire (EIQ)


Gateway Vehicle Inspection Program

Open Burning Permit

Operating Permit Application Forms (Basic)

Operating Permit Application Forms (Part 70 and Intermediate/Synthetic Minor)

Operating Permit Compliance, Certification and Monitoring Report Form

Permit-By-Rule Notifications

Portable Source Relocation Request


  • These files are currently under development. For questions, contact the construction permit unit at 573-751-4817.

Vapor Recovery (General)

Financial Assistance link
Financial Assistance Center

Clean Water

Drinking Water

Geology forms link
Geological Survey


Land Reclamation

Coal Exploration Permit

  • Forms available by contacting the Land Reclamation Program at 573-751-4041.

Industrial Mineral Surface Mining Permits

In-Stream Sand and Gravel Operations
Open Pit Operations

Metallic Mineral Waste Management Permit

Permit consists of an Inspection-Maintenance and Closure Plan that is available by contacting the Land Reclamation Program at 573-751-4041.

Surface Coal Mine and Reclamation Permit

Forms available by contacting the Land Reclamation Program at 573-751-4041.

Oil and Gas forms link
Oil and Gas


Dam Safety

Construction Permit Checklists

Registration and Safety Permits Checklists

Geohydrologic Evaluation

Major Water Users forms link
Major Water Users

Solid Waste Disposal Areas

Underground Injection Control

water, heat pump and monitoring wells forms link
Water, Heat Pump and Monitoring Wells

Well Certification and Registration

Driller and Pump Installation Contractor Permitting

Misc. Other Forms

Water Trace

Hazardous waste forms link
Hazardous Waste

Drycleaning Environmental Response Trust (DERT)

Brownfields/Voluntary Cleanup

Electronics Recycling

Federal Facilities

Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage and Disposal Facilities and Resource Recovery Facilities

Hazardous Waste Generators