Wastewater Financial Assistance

various clean water pictures

Promoting Water Quality and Protecting Public Health

The Clean Water State Revolving Fund Program is a partnership between the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the states.  The Clean Water Act is the primary federal legislation for protecting surface waters and it was enacted in 1977 due to the public’s growing concern for controlling water pollution.  The reference to ‘Clean Water’ such as in the Clean Water State Revolving Fund and Clean Water Programs was derived from the name of the legislation. However, everything in the Clean Water Act is actually addressing wastewater and sewer system concerns.  Any future reference to Clean Water throughout this website, unless mentioning specific citation of the actual legislative act, are available under wastewater headings/subheadings, a more familiar and user friendly terminology.

The program provides the states with the flexibility to fund projects that address their highest-priority water quality needs.  Traditional uses of this program are to build or improve wastewater treatment plants for municipalities; however, new and emerging conservation, agricultural and urban projects can also be funded through the Clean Water State Revolving Fund.  These types of projects may include urban runoff, wet weather flow, Stormwater and sewer overflows, water reuse and conservation and alternative treatment projects.  Besides financial savings, loan recipients can realize significant environmental benefits and help to stimulate local economies.

Fiscal Year 2017

Fiscal Year 2017 Clean Water SRF Intended Use Plan – Adopted Oct. 5, 2016
Clean Water State Revolving Fund Application, Form--MO 780-1951and Instructions
Fiscal Year 2017 Intended Use Plan – Amended Jan. 11, 2017

Fiscal Year 2016

Fiscal Year 2016 Clean Water SRF Intended Use Plan – Adopted Oct. 7, 2015 (Effective Oct. 1, 2015)
Clean Water State Revolving Fund Application, Form--MO 780-1951
and Instructions
Fiscal Year 2016 Clean Water SRF Intended Use Plan – Amended Jan. 6, 2016
Fiscal Year 2016 Clean Water SRF Intended Use Plan – Amended July 13, 2016

Annual Reports

Fiscal Year 2014 Clean Water SRF Annual Report
Fiscal Year 2013 Clean Water SRF Annual Report

Rulemaking Developments

The department is currently with the Clean Water State Revolving Fund Regulation Stakeholder Workgroup on rulemaking amendments to 10 CSR 20-4.  The public is welcome to attend and engage in this rulemaking process.

Clean Water SRF Additional Subsidization Affordability Analysis Policy

The department adopted the Clean Water State Revolving Fund Additional Subsidization Affordability Analysis policy on Sept. 21, 2015.  The development of this policy included three stakeholder meetings and a public notice period.  More information

Clean Water State Revolving Fund Additional Subsidization Affordability Analysis Policy
Financial Questionnaire, Form--MO 780-2511