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DLR Portal - News Archive - Global online atlas for solar and wind power »
During its Annual General Meeting in Abu Dhabi, the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) made the world's first global atlas for renewable resources public.
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Check out the first Mars Express image release in 2013 - Glacial transportation of rubble and boulders through Reull Vallis
DLR Portal - News Archive - Glacial transportation of rubble and boulders through Reull Vallis »
As we look at the numerous graben and valleys that wind through the Martian highlands, it is not always clear which geological processes created them.
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Europe supplies ATV-based 'Powerhouse' for NASA's Orion spacecraft: -  (MT)
NASA - NASA Signs Agreement for a European-Provided Orion Service Module »
NASA signed an agreement for the European Space Agency to provide a service module for the Orion spacecraft’s Exploration Mission-1 in 2017.
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Interested in European Space Policy? Take a look at Countdown magazine special edition, featuring an exhaustive review of ESA Ministerial Council 2012 (PDF, 9.92 MB) (MT) 
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DLR NASA SOFIA telescope spots recent Starburst in the Milky Way Galaxy's Center (MT)
News and Updates »
Home > News and Updates > SOFIA Spots Recent Starburst in the Milky Way Galaxy's Center. SOFIA Spots Recent Starburst in the Milky Way Galaxy's Center. Images below. January 8, 2013. Res...
Christoph Anton Mitterer
You should only write “DLR SOFIA”. Cause +NASA seems to always quote it as purely theirs, too.
As they do with Hubble.
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For 205 days in 2011, Jens Titze, Professor of Electrolyte and Circulatory Research at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, and his team strictly controlled the diet for the Mars500 test subjects during their virtual flight to Mars. Read more about the unexpected result of the longest sodium metabolism study to date

Titze's research was one of 11 German Mars500 experiments sponsored by the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology via the German Aerospace Center (DLR). The results of the research have been published in the scientific journal 'Cell Metabolism'.
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TerraSAR-X image of the month – the coastal cliffs of Christmas Island

Captain William Mynors was not particularly creative as he sailed past a remote island in the Indian Ocean on the 'Royal Mary', a ship belonging to the British East India Company, on 25 December 1643. Read more about this island:
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DLR researchers tested unmanned flights over the Mediterranean

Reliably monitoring extensive areas of the sea is a major challenge for the coastguard and emergency relief services. Unmanned aircraft are expected to make a critical contribution to this in the future. DLR researchers simulated experimental unmanned flights over the Mediterranean. Read full article:
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DLR software unites aircraft engineers

To obtain the best combination of wings, fuselage and engines, researchers must work closely together and share their expertise effectively. To support the cooperation of various aviation experts, scientists at DLR have developed the software tools CPACS and RCE. Read full article:
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2013 can arrive! DLR can look back on a highly eventful and exciting year. Once again in 2012, a great deal was achieved in our research fields of aeronautics, spaceflight, energy, transport and security.

Visit our compilation of this year's highlights in images, web links and a film, which will be available in English in the new year. Read full article
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Space, space flight, aeronautics, aerospace, energy, transportation, research, science
The German Aerospace Center, DLR, is Germany's national research center for aeronautics and space, transport and energy. Editor: Henning Krause (HK). Imprint:
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