(John Prieto, The Denver Post)
Latino buying power helps drive auto sales in Denver

Growing Latino buying power is catching the rapt attention of the auto industry as auto dealerships in Denver are beefing up their staffs of bilingual sales workers to accommodate the growing market Full Story
La galería Fountainhead Arts exhibirá a casi 30 creaciones de arte infantil de alumnos hispanos de una escuela primaria en el barrio de Montbello, Denver, para reconocer en público el talento de esos jóvenes artistas.   Full Story
Cientos de jóvenes de escuelas secundarias y universidades de todo el país y del extranjero se reunieron para intercambiar ideas e información sobre cómo mejorar sus comunidades por medio de programas de servicio y aprendizaje.   Full Story
Seth A. McConnell, YourHub
Caley Litz, de 15 años de edad, dijo que sus amigos pensaron que inscribirse en una clase para payasos sería una buena idea para salir del cascarón   Full Story
John Prieto, The Denver Post
Growing Latino buying power is catching the rapt attention of the auto industry as auto dealerships in Denver are beefing up their staffs of bilingual sales workers to accommodate the growing market   Full Story
At a Nuggets' pregame practice, this exchange happened between coach George Karl and some local TV guy.   Full Story
Andy Cross, The Denver Post
Experienced male skier. Thirty-seven years old. Wearing a helmet. Loses control on an intermediate, groomed run and hits a tree. That's the average person who died on Colorado ski slopes in the past five seasons, according to a Denver Post analysis of ski and snowboarding deaths.   Full Story

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