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Pollution Prevention (P2)

"Pollution Prevention (P2) is a strategy of material use, processing, and management that reduces or eliminates the creation of pollutants and waste at the source--prior to recycling, treatment or disposal."

Pollution Prevention in Oklahoma Means

Protecting the Environment

Conserving Water

Increasing Production Efficiency

Improving Product Quality

Increasing Competitive Edge

Decreasing the Burden of Regulations

Using Raw Materials and Energy Efficiently

Reducing Disposal Costs

Improving Operating Practices

Reducing Long-term Liability

Increasing Customer Satisfaction

Being Part of the Solution

Click here for Environmental Performance & Recognition Program information

Click here to download a copy of the Environmental Performance Program Application

Click here for Oklahoma Star Incentive Program information

Click here to get the instructions to the OKStar Application PDF

Click here to get your OKStar Application PDF

The P2 Program offers an opportunity for cooperative partnership among the business community, municipalities, agencies of the state, the environmental community and DEQ to reduce the generation of waste through source reduction and sound environmental management.

Pollution Prevention Program Services and Links

Mission Statement

Enabling Legislation

Contains the legislative authority for the program. Allows the P2 program to offer confidentiality to the industries we assist.

Information on new technologies, methods and techniques is available for pollution prevention and waste management. Information can be industry or process specific.

Oklahoma DEQ's Waste Exchange Program

P2 Fact Sheets

Tax Credit Background, application, and checklist.

The link for background information on tax credit takes you to DEQ rule 205. Once you have clicked on the "background" link scroll down the PDF document until you see "SubChapter 17. Tax Credit and Waster Reduction Incentives." Click on this red text link and it will take you to the specific section of the rule 205 that covers tax credit incentives. If you have any further questions about this, please contact Dianne Wilkins at 405-702-9128

The state of Oklahoma offers a 20% tax credit toward the cost of equipment for the reduction of hazardous waste.

On-Site Assistance

Facility visits to help identify pollution prevention opportunities are available on request. Staff will listen, observe, and respond to your needs in a confidential, non-regulatory manner.

Training and Workshops

The program sponsors a variety of training sessions and workshops annually. These sessions focus on pollution prevention and waste management.

Publications and Handouts

A Guide for Choosing and Operating an On-Site Distillation Unit

A Checklist to Prevent the Most Common Hazardous Waste Violations

Complying With SARA Title III (Section 313) A Guide for Composites Facilities

Reducing Volatile Emissions in the Fiber Reinforced Plastics (FRP) Industry

Getting a Handle on Your Waste Size: Introduction to Environmental Management & Pollution Prevention

So You Want to be an Oklahoma Star

Awards and Certification

Directory of Recyclers

The directory lists below are about recyclers in the state of Oklahoma, their location, and what they accept.

Directory of Oklahoma Recyclers A - L

Directory of Oklahoma Recyclers M - Z

Oklahoma County Recyclers

Tulsa County Recyclers

OKRA- Oklahoma Recycling Association

This is the web page for the Oklahoma Recycling Association

Oklahoma P2 Case Studies

See what has already been accomplished and what is in the works within Oklahoma.

Links to Other P2 Sites

Contacting the Pollution Prevention Program:

Dianne Wilkins 405-702-9128 or 1-800-869-1400 or 1-405-702-5100.