The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer

Today's Situation Room:

Wolf Blitzer delivers the most important news and political stories of the day. Tune to The Situation Room weekdays 4-6pm ET and Saturdays 6pm ET on CNN.
BLITZER'S BLOG: Israeli deputy PM has strong views on Iran, Syria, Egypt

BLITZER'S BLOG: Israeli deputy PM has strong views on Iran, Syria, Egypt

By Wolf Blitzer, CNN

(CNN) – Israeli Deputy Prime Minister Shaul Mofaz has been in Washington for high-level talks with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and other Obama administration officials, and Iran’s nuclear program is atop their agenda.

I asked him whether Israel was concerned about Iranian retaliation for the reports that Israel and the U.S. have undertaken joint cyberwarfare attacks against Iran’s nuclear program.

Wolf Blitzer
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Filed under: Egypt • Interviews • Iran • Israel • Syria

Rep. Ron Paul: Al Qaeda stronger in Egypt than before

Rep. Ron Paul tells CNN's Wolf Blitzer that he believes there is more al Qaeda in Egypt now than prior to the rebellion.

RELATED POST: Ron Paul: Not ready to endorse Romney

Filed under: al Qaeda • Egypt • Interviews • Ron Paul

Ron Paul: Not ready to endorse Romney

In an interview with CNN's Wolf Blitzer, Republican Rep. Ron Paul discussed Mitt Romney and the Republican National Convention.

Paul admitted that Mitt Romney has the delegates to win the nomination but said he "doesn't have the control of the hearts and the minds of the people." When asked if he's ready to follow in his son Sen. Rand Paul's footsteps and endorse Romney, Paul replied "no way."

RELATED VIDEO: Paul: Al Qaeda stronger in Egypt

Filed under: 2012 election • Interviews • Republicans • Ron Paul

Early Obama backer defects to GOP

Ex-Rep. Artur Davis explains to CNN's Wolf Blitzer why he left the Democratic Party and plans to vote for Mitt Romney.

Filed under: Barack Obama • Interviews • President Obama • Republicans

Wall Street switches to Romney

CNN's Brian Todd reports on President Obama's loss of support among Wall Street titans.

Filed under: Brian Todd • President Obama • Wall Street
June 19th, 2012
11:47 AM ET

McCain to Obama: Lead on Syria

Sen. John McCain talks with CNN's Wolf Blitzer about the exploding conflict in Syria.

RELATED STORY: McCain calls for U.S. military leadership on Syria

Filed under: Interviews • John McCain • Syria

Watch 'mysterious' space plane landing

Filmed with infrared cameras, a highly secretive unmanned Air Force space plane lands after more than a year in orbit.

Brian Todd
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Filed under: Brian Todd • Military • Space
BLITZER’S BLOG: New details on Obama’s Hawaii birth
President Barack Obama gives a news conference in Hawaii on November 13.

BLITZER’S BLOG: New details on Obama’s Hawaii birth

By Wolf Blitzer, CNN

(CNN) - For some of the so-called birthers out there, there’s probably nothing that will convince them that President Obama was actually born in Hawaii.

But for those who might still have even a little bit of an open mind, they should read David Maraniss’ new book on the president, “Barack Obama: The Story.” Maraniss provides new details of Obama’s birth, including a contemporaneous letter referring to the birth of a baby to a Caucasian mother and an African father.

Maraniss reports that the future president was born August 4, 1961, at 7:24 p.m. at the Kapi`olani Maternity and Gynecological Hospital in Honolulu. Dr. David A. Sinclair delivered the baby.

Sinclair’s colleague Dr. Rodney T. West remembers hearing from Sinclair that “Stanley had a baby,” a reference to the mother, Stanley Ann Dunham Obama.

He also provides some Hawaii color of that summer.

“In Hawaiian lore,” Maraniss writes, “the volcano goddess, Pele, is said to reside inside Kilauea, one of the most active volcanoes in the world, located on the southeastern side of the Big Island. When Kilauea erupts, according to local oral tradition, Pele is telling them something. For seven days in July 1961, Pele erupted and again for three days that September.”

Barack Hussein Obama II was born between those two eruptions.

Maraniss writes that from day one, no one called him by that formal name. He was either Barry or Bar, pronounced Bear.

David Maraniss, author of “Barack Obama: The Story,” will join Wolf Blitzer for an interview Thursday on CNN’s “The Situation Room.”

Follow Wolf Blitzer on Twitter: @WolfBlitzer

Wolf Blitzer
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Filed under: Barack Obama • Birthers • Wolf Blitzer

Napolitano discusses new immigration policy with Wolf Blitzer

Washington (CNN) - In an election-year policy change, the Obama administration said Friday it will stop deporting young illegal immigrants who entered the United States as children if they meet certain requirements.

Under the new policy, people younger than 30 who came to the United States before the age of 16, pose no criminal or security threat, and were successful students or served in the military can get a two-year deferral from deportation, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said.

In an interview with CNN's Wolf Blitzer, Napolitano explained the new policy in detail and emphasized that this is not a pathway to citizenship. "That's where Congress needs to act," Napolitano said, "We continue to urge the Congress to pass the DREAM Act, look at comprehensive immigration reform, the immigration system as a whole."

Blitzer's full interview with Napolitano airs Friday on "The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer," from 4pm to 6pm ET.



Read the Napolitano memo (PDF)

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Filed under: Immigration • Interviews • Janet Napolitano

How Europe's financial crisis may spread

The European debt crisis could potential cause further destabilization of the U.S. economy. Tom Foreman reports.

Filed under: Europe • Tom Foreman
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