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Army Family and MWR Programs
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  1. Recent Posts by Others on Army Family and MWR ProgramsSee All
    •  Join us and 50+ employers assembled to assist Wounded Warriors and family members. 29-30 October 2012 in SD, CA Wounded Warrior Hiring Fair and Support Conference - San Diego, CA - 29 and 30 October 2012 The Department of the Navy’s 3rd Annual Wounded Warrior Hiring and Support Conference San Diego, CA - 29 and 30 October 2012
      Yesterday at 10:00am
    • Are there any discount promotions going on for Disnelyand tickets? Thanks!
      3 · Tuesday at 11:11am
    • Michael Hobert
       Colonial Williamsburg (Nov 9 - 12, 2012)
      Tuesday at 8:16am
    •  Only $4 for military, students, seniors, members, and groups of four or more?! And yes... EVERYTHING is covered under the wristband price. What are you doing for your Halloween weekend? Come hang out and have tons of fun with us!
      October 15 at 2:28pm
  2. Operation Rising Star is The U.S. Army's search for talented singers. We're looking forward to this year's competition!
  3. LikesSee All
  4. Weekend roundup! We'd love to hear about things happening near you. This is your chance to promote your events or inspire others.
  5. "We put so much stigma on mental health that people become ashamed and embarrassed to be who they are. If you hold it inside or struggle with something you can't handle, you don't know how it may be hurting you or others. Look at me. I've b...
    een through a lot of challenges in my life. I'm not ashamed to admit when I'm weak or when I'm having a problem, because I'm still surviving. There is no shame in asking for help." Learn more:
    See More
    Photo: "We put so much stigma on mental health that people become ashamed and embarrassed to be who they are. If you hold it inside or struggle with something you can't handle, you don't know how it may be hurting you or others. Look at me. I've been through a lot of challenges in my life. I'm not ashamed to admit when I'm weak or when I'm having a problem, because I'm still surviving. There is no shame in asking for help." Learn more:
  6. Have you ever participated in an event like this? "It was tough and really muddy. It tested every muscle group I had and challenged me to do things that I never thought I could do."
  7. What's your favorite vacation destination?
  8. "We are genuinely grateful to all of our loyal runners for supporting the Army's race. They are the true spirit of the sport." Are you participating in this year's Army Ten-Miler?
    Photo: "We are genuinely grateful to all of our loyal runners for supporting the Army's race. They are the true spirit of the sport." Are you participating in this year's Army Ten-Miler?
  9. In case you missed this earlier: "As we stand here on this beautiful hilltop overlooking Washington, D.C., it is an honor for me tonight that we have five individuals who have gone above and beyond in the selfless support of our troops."
  10. SPC Kevin Mulloy, representing Army IMCOM, builds a rack of ribbons during the mystery event at The U.S. Army 2012 Best Warrior competition at U.S. Army Fort Lee. The mystery event consisted of competitors assembling awards and decorations onto the Army Service Uniform. (U.S. Army photo by SPC Raul Pacheco)
    Photo: SPC Kevin Mulloy, representing Army IMCOM, builds a rack of ribbons during the mystery event at The U.S. Army 2012 Best Warrior competition at U.S. Army Fort Lee. The mystery event consisted of competitors assembling awards and decorations onto the Army Service Uniform. (U.S. Army photo by SPC Raul Pacheco)
  11. Question of the day: What makes you most proud about being part of an Army Family?
    Photo: Question of the day: What makes you most proud about being part of an Army Family?
  12. SSG Randy Roscoe completes another lap around the track during The U.S. Army Best Warrior Competition Army Physical Fitness Test 2-mile run Tuesday morning at Williams Stadium at U.S. Army Fort Lee. Roscoe is a senior medic stationed at Fort Huachuca, Ariz., and is representing Army IMCOM at Best Warrior. The four-day competition ends Thursday. (U.S. Army photo by Patrick Buffett)
    Photo: SSG Randy Roscoe completes another lap around the track during The U.S. Army Best Warrior Competition Army Physical Fitness Test 2-mile run Tuesday morning at Williams Stadium at U.S. Army Fort Lee. Roscoe is a senior medic stationed at Fort Huachuca, Ariz., and is representing Army IMCOM at Best Warrior. The four-day competition ends Thursday. (U.S. Army photo by Patrick Buffett)
  13. SPC Kevin Mulloy keeps a steady pace during The U.S. Army Best Warrior Competition Army Physical Fitness Test pushup event Tuesday morning at Williams Stadium at U.S. Army Fort Lee. Mulloy is stationed at Fort Bliss, Texas and is representing Army IMCOM in the competition. The four-day competition ends Thursday. Way to go, SPC Mulloy! (U.S. Army photo by Patrick Buffett)
    Photo: SPC Kevin Mulloy keeps a steady pace during The U.S. Army Best Warrior Competition Army Physical Fitness Test pushup event Tuesday morning at Williams Stadium at U.S. Army Fort Lee. Mulloy is stationed at Fort Bliss, Texas and is representing Army IMCOM in the competition. The four-day competition ends Thursday. Way to go, SPC Mulloy! (U.S. Army photo by Patrick Buffett)
  14. Although this article is about fall events at Fort Rucker, we'd love to hear about things in your neck of the woods too. "The festival gives people a Family day. Civilian and military Families are both welcome because it's hard to find things for little kids to do this time of year."
  15. Volunteering: "I just think it's civic responsibility. If you want to live in this country then you need to be willing to give something back to this country without expectation of payment or advancement."
  16. Were you in the audience during this year's Soldier Show? What did you think? For anyone interest in joining next year's show or other Army Entertainment productions, check out
    Photo: Were you in the audience during this year's Soldier Show? What did you think? For anyone interest in joining next year's show or other Army Entertainment productions, check out
  17. Worth knowing: The audition season for Operation Rising Star concludes at the end of this month. Stay tuned when we reveal your season eight Top 12 in November! Check out to learn more.
  18. We are proud of all who serve The U.S. Army. Have you thanked a Soldier yet today?
    On Sunday, Sept. 30, the U.S. Army Soldier Show presented its 2012 season finale at Fort Sam Houston to a full house. Comments were delivered by Installation Management Command Commanding General LTG Mike Ferriter and CSM Earl Rice before the performers hit the stage. (Photo by Evan Dyson, IMCOM Public Affairs)
    Photo: On Sunday, Sept. 30, the U.S. Army Soldier Show presented its 2012 season finale at Fort Sam Houston to a full house. Comments were delivered by Installation Management Command Commanding General LTG Mike Ferriter and CSM Earl Rice before the performers hit the stage. (Photo by Evan Dyson, IMCOM Public Affairs)
  19. "As we stand here on this beautiful hilltop overlooking Washington, D.C., it is an honor for me tonight that we have five individuals who have gone above and beyond in the selfless support of our troops."
  20. Strong Army Families are built on love and respect. If you or someone you love is hurting, help is available. Visit your local Army Community Service Family Advocacy Program to learn more about services available to support military Families.
    Each October, Army Family members and Civilians are reminded to join together in efforts to prevent Domestic Violence and Intimate Partner abuse, which tears against the fabric of our Army Strong Values. Engage and support Army Family Adv...
  21. "While many people sympathize with survivors of our fallen, few understand, truly, what they are going through. That is something only a peer-based support organization can provide."
  22. Something to make you smile - Gabe, a retired military dog, was recently named American Hero Dog of 2012. "Seeing Betty White and many other celebrities honor Gabe was a moment I will never forget. Having the support of Fort Jackson and Gabe fans in all 50 states and 22 countries was the key to victory. Every vote counted and we surely appreciate it."
  23. "The values, traditions and hard work ethic that I learned being raised in a Hispanic family are some of the principle values that drew me to join the military."
  24. Weekend roundup: The weekend is nearly here! We invite you to share events happening in your communities.
  25. "There is an understanding that is unspoken between survivors -- just knowing someone else has experienced a similar loss gives people comfort and the knowledge that they are not alone."
  26. "JBM-HH fire and emergency services look forward each year to provide something special to those children who attend the International Burn Camp, and also support the International Association of Fire Fighters, who sponsors the event."
  27. "The help and assistance that you provided to the service members are immeasurable. To this day, ACS has helped keep families together and I want to thank you for your great work."
  28. "People get frustrated because they come to the gym three or four times a week and they're not seeing any results. Often, they're not maximizing their effort or they're doing the exercises incorrectly and that prohibits them from getting the best that they can out of their workout."
  29. "This conference provided me with a lot of information about ongoing issues that I didn't know about, and it also gave me the opportunity to let my voice be heard."
  30. “Throughout history, the men and women of our Armed Forces have fought to protect and defend our constitution, including our right to vote. Voting is indeed democracy in action, and it defines, in no small part, what it means to be an American.”
  31. "I want to express how much I value what [Army Community Service] is doing to help our service members and families reform during redeployment and look forward to being a big part of the solution in helping eliminate domestic abuse and violence amongst our fellow servicemembers, families, and civilians."
  32. "Whether it's male or female, they all have equal qualifications for a job -- right person, right job. It's liberating because you know what the standard is. Everyone is expected to Soldier up."
  33. Gen. Martin Dempsey, the 18th chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said that today's fighting men and women are who they have always been, individuals shaped by courage, loyalty, resilience, resolve, adaptability, and a passionate curiosity. These qualities, the chairman said, are what will make this generation of veterans vital to the future success of the nation.
  34. Check out this opportunity to participate in a final online survey asking troops to choose from the which of the six proposed uniforms -- which include 32 improvements -- they like best. Learn more.
  35. "Don't Turn Your Back on Domestic Violence." If you or someone you love is hurting, help is available. Visit your local Army Community Service Center to learn more.
    Each October, Army Family members and Civilians are reminded to join together in efforts to prevent Domestic Violence and Intimate Partner abuse, which tears against the fabric of our Army Strong Values. Engage and support Army Family Adv...
  36. We hope you have a great Columbus Day! As a reminder, since it's a Federal holiday, please check the hours for your local facilities before trying to use MWR programs or services.
    Columbus Day commemorates the spirit of exploration and the discovery of our great nation.
    This holiday also provides a prime opportunity for our Soldiers, Civilians, and their Family members to relax and have fun. Whatever your plans,...

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