Health Care Bureau

The Health Care Bureau safeguards the rights of health care consumers statewide through investigation of and enforcement actions against insurers, providers, drug companies and other individuals and entities that engage in fraudulent, misleading, deceptive, or illegal practices in the health care market.  The Bureau’s Health Care toll-free Helpline, 1-800-428-9071,provides information and assistance to thousands of New Yorkers annually, including resolution of individual consumer health-related complaints, making sure consumers and patients get access to the health care they are entitled to. The Health Care Bureau also educates New Yorkers about the rights and protections they have available to them under the Managed Care Bill of Rights  and other health and consumer protection laws. In addition, the Bureau advocates for legislation and policy initiatives to enhance the rights of health care consumers and their ability to access quality, affordable care in New York State.

How the Health Care Bureau Can Help You

  • We can help you challenge health insurers that won’t cover your provided costs
  • We can help you navigate the complex health care system
  • We can target health care organizations that have fraudulent, misleading or deceptive practices
  • We provide outreach to educate New Yorkers about their health care rights
  • We are advocating for laws, regulations and policies that enhance the rights of health care consumers

For More Information About the Health Care Bureau

How to Reach the Health Care Bureau



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