The Freedom of Information Law (“FOIL”) provides access to records to citizens interested in obtaining records related to government operations. Records include documents, tapes and computer discs. Access to records is limited by certain exemptions including those that intend to protect privacy, the names of confidential informants and those where the production of records would impair, interfere with, cause substantial injury to, or endanger an individual or government operation. If the Office of the Attorney General has records, in the form of documents, that respond to your request, the first five pages will be provided free of charge, and there will be a charge of 25 cents per page for each page that exceeds five pages. If a record is provided in any other medium, you will be charged for the actual cost of production of the response to your request. You will not receive the response to your request until after you have paid for your records.FOIL does not require a government agency to provide advice or create a record. Additionally, the FOIL Office does not process complaints. Please file a complaint with the Attorney General through the complaint page  and send the complaint to the place indicated on the form.

The Committee on Open Government is charged with furnishing any person with an advisory opinion for other appropriate information regarding the Freedom of Information Law. (Public Officers Law, Article 6). You may log on to the Committee’s website at for more information.

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