Labor Bureau

The New York Attorney General's Office is the chief law enforcement agency in New York State, and the Labor Bureau in the Division of Social Justice is principally charged with, and has been nationally recognized for, defending labor standards in low-wage industries by aggressively enforcing the laws protecting low-wage workers.

Specifically, the Labor Bureau investigates violations of minimum wage, overtime, prevailing wage, and other basic labor laws throughout the state, brings civil and criminal prosecutions against employers who violate these laws, and represents the New York State Department of Labor in its enforcement of state labor laws. We enforce "Right to Know" laws concerning toxic substances in the workplaces of non-federal public employees. The Labor Bureau also defends the decisions of the New York State Department of Labor, Unemployment Insurance Appeal Board and New York Workers' Compensation Board regarding wage and hour law and administration of unemployment insurance benefits and workers' compensation coverage.

If you are aware of a violation of workplace rights in New York State, whether as a victim or a concerned witness, please feel free to file a complaint with this office by filling out the complaint form under "complaint form", or by calling  the Labor Bureau at 212-416-8700. Please note that filing a complaint with the Labor Bureau is not the same as starting a court case or filing a complaint with the federal or New York State Department of Labor. Please look in "references" for other agencies in which you can learn more about your rights or file a complaint.

You can also find answers to basic questions about your workplace rights at "Your Workplace Rights in New York State".

You may also contact the New York State Department of Labor at or the U.S. Department of Labor at

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