Criminal Prosecutions Bureau

The Criminal Prosecution Bureau has attorneys located throughout the State of New York and is responsible for the investigation and prosecution of a wide variety of criminal cases brought by the Attorney General. The Attorney General's authority to prosecute crimes is found throughout the laws of New York State. For example, the Attorney General has independent criminal jurisdiction to prosecute fraud in the sale of securities, bid-rigging, and violations of the New York State Labor Laws dealing with the amount that workers must be paid. In other instances, the Attorney General's jurisdiction arises under Executive Law §63. Under this section, the head of a department, division or agency of the State of New York may request that the Attorney General investigate and prosecute the commission of any offense related to the authority of that agency. Some of those State agencies include: the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, the New York State Education Department, the New York State Department of Health, the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation and the New York State Police.

The Criminal Prosecutions Bureau is comprised of several units, including the Auto Insurance Fraud Unit ("AIFU"), the Crime Proceeds Strike Force and the Environmental Crimes Unit.

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