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Documents and Publications
State of the World Population 2012State of the World Population 2012: By Choice, Not by Chance
Family planning is a human right. Yet today some 222 million women in developing countries are unable to exercise that right because they lack access to contraceptives, information and quality services or because social and economic forces prevent them from taking advantage of services even where they are available. The State of World Population 2012 explains why family planning is a right, examines the challenges in ensuring that all women, men and young people are able to exercise that right and suggests actions that governments and international organizations can take to give everyone the power and the means to decide freely and responsibly how many children to have and when to have them.
UNFPA, 2012

Seeing Beyond the State: Grassroots Women's Perspectives on Corruption and Anti-CorruptionSeeing Beyond the State: Grassroots Women's Perspectives on Corruption and Anti-Corruption
Corruption is global phenomenon and a major obstacle to development and economic growth in the global South. Although it affects all social classes and groups, women (and poor women in particular) are among the most affected. In order to better understand corruption from the perspective of women at the grassroots level, the Huairou Commission undertook a study of 11 communities across eight countries in partnership with UNDP's Global Thematic Programme on Anti-Corruption for Development Effectiveness (PACDE).
UNDP, 2012

New Websites and Online Video

China: Women Shape a New Future

United Nations, New York - Across rural China, there's a transformation occurring. More and more women are stepping out of their traditional roles and into positions of power. We travel to a remote region of China to meet women leaders who are shaping a new future for their country. United Nations, 2012

News and Highlights

As UN staff rise to end violence against women, UN Secretary-General calls on Governments to COMMIT
On what is traditionally Valentine's Day in a number of countries, hundreds of UN staff members danced and collectively rose up to call for an to end violence against women during a special event at United Nations headquarters in New York.
UNiTE, 14 February 2013

UN Secretary-General, in Message for 'One Billion Rising' Campaign, Seeks 'Valentine Message' from Governments Committing to End Violence against Women, Girls
UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon's message to the "One Billion Rising" campaign, on 14 February.
UN, 14 February 2013

One Billion Rising, 14 February 2013
Michelle Bachelet, the Executive Director of UN Women, says she stands up for the fundamental human right of every woman and girl to live a life free from fear and violence. On 14 February 2013, as part of the One Billion Rising campaign sponsored by Eve Ensler's V-day organization, join Michelle Bachelet and one billion women and men around the world who will rise up, walk out, dance and demand an end to this violence against women.
UN Radio, 13 February 2013

India: Why is women's labour force participation dropping?
More women in India of working age are enrolling in secondary school but that is only one reason why the number of women who are either working or looking for a job is decreasing.
ILO, 13 February 2013

UNESCO enhances freedom of expression in the Arab region with the support of Finland
With a contribution of 2.3 million Euros from Finland, UNESCO will implement a new project in the Arab region to strengthen the legal and regulatory frameworks conducive to freedom of expression and ensure the safety of journalists and bloggers, including through their improving capacity to use information and communication technologies (ICTs) safely...To advance gender equality through enhanced freedom of expression and access to information, the project will reinforce the role of public service broadcasters as platforms to foster the rights and dignity of women.
UNESCO, 13 February 2013

Analysis: Girl child soldiers face new battles in civilian life
Girl child soldiers are often thought of only as "sex slaves", a term that glosses over the complex roles many play within armed groups and in some national armies. This thinking contributes to their subsequent invisibility in the demobilization processes - in fact, girls are frequently the most challenging child soldiers to rehabilitate.
IRIN News, 12 February 2013

UN urges Papua New Guinea to take action after woman burned alive for witchcraft
The United Nations human rights office Friday urged the Government of Papua New Guinea to take concrete action following reports that a 20-year-old woman accused of sorcery was burnt alive in front of a crowd, noting that this is the latest in a "growing pattern" of such attacks.
UN News, 8 February 2013

Fewer Girls Threatened by Female Genital Mutilation
UNITED NATIONS, New York—Fewer girls are subjected to the life-threatening practice of female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C) according to new data from the United Nations, released on 6 February, the International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation.
UNFPA, 6 February 2013

New law in Kyrgyzstan toughens penalties for bride kidnapping
"Women should be beaten every day," says Kamilla,* repeating the grim words of her deceased sister's husband. At 19, he forcibly kidnapped her sister Kulipa for marriage. "The marriage was a nightmare," recalls Kamilla, trembling from the memory of her sister's suffering.
UN Women, 6 February 2013

UN Secretary-General, 'Deeply Disappointed' over Jailing of Alleged Rape Victim, Urges Somalia to Investigate Sexual Violence Claims Fully
Statement by the Spokesperson for UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on jailing of alleged rape victim
UN, 6 February 2013

WHO expert says too many women dying from preventable deaths
Dr. Marleen Temmerman, head of the Department of Reproductive Health and Research at the World Health Organization in Geneva, joined the agency late last year because she believes it can play a very prominent role in meeting the unmet needs of so many women in the area of reproductive health and services. Dr. Temmerman talks to Beng Poblete-Enriquez about her priorities and recalls an early experience in Kenya where a 15 year-old pregnant girl died in her arms from a ruptured uterus.
UN Radio, 1 February 2013

UN rights chief welcomes movement to eradicate manual scavenging in India
The United Nations human rights chief today welcomed the recent movement in India to eradicate manual scavenging, a practice traditionally relegated to Dalit women, and seen as a form of discrimination based on caste and gender.
UN News, 31 January 2013

Broadcasters and UNESCO to celebrate World Radio Day worldwide
The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), Radio China International (RCI), Monte-Carlo Doualya (MCD), Radio Exterior d'España (REE), Radio France international (RFI), Radio Orient (RO) and Voice of Russia radio (VoR) will be broadcasting some programmes from UNESCO Headquarters on the occasion of World Radio Day, on 13 February.
UNESCO, 30 January 2013

Outgoing UN police adviser stresses critical need for more female officers
The top United Nations police official today called on Member States to send more qualified female officers to serve in the world body's operations, as she highlighted ongoing efforts to enhance the quality and professionalism of the force.
UN News, 30 January 2013

UN High Commissioner for Human Rights calls for an end to the violence in Egypt
The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Navi Pillay, has called on all sides in the current unrest in Egypt "to refrain from resorting to violence and to resolve their differences peacefully." More than 50 people are believed to have been killed in Egypt since January 24th, when thousands of Egyptians took to the streets to commemorate the second anniversary of their revolution. Three days later, President Mohammed Morsi declared a state of emergency.
UN Radio, 29 January 2013

Dr. Boshra Salem, president of the MAB International Coordinating Council, selected as a new member of the Women in Science Hall of Fame - 2013
The United States Department of State initiated a Women in Science Hall of Fame in 2010 to honour outstanding female scientists throughout the Middle East and North Africa. New hall of fame members are selected annually for their accomplishments, and with the hope to develop a strong network of professional women scientists across the region. These role models also inspire girls to study science and pursue scientific careers.
UNESCO, 29 January 2013

African Heads of State, Government, to Speed up Reduction of Maternal Deaths
Meeting at the African Union Summit, Heads of State and Government made new commitments to speed-up the reduction of maternal death and disability in the continent.
UNFPA, 29 January 2013

In Swaziland, child marriage still a grey area
The relief felt by health officials and activists several months ago at the apparent outlawing of child marriages now appears to have been premature, with Swaziland's traditional leadership recently declaring that such unions are acceptable under customary law.
IRIN News, 29 January 2013

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